Are working people in Europe flocking to join the ‘far right’?

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024
Farmers from Beauvais march on Paris Jan. 29. Farmers across Europe have been protesting skyrocketing costs, heavy EU “climate change” taxes, loss of farm income. Voting for European Parliament June 6-9 reflected impact of capitalist crisis, war on working people.

Elections to the European Parliament June 6-9 saw heavy losses for governing capitalist parties that tens of millions of working people hold responsible for the worsening conditions they confront. The results reflect these crisis conditions, but they’re presented in the…

Join fight against ban on ‘Militant’ in Florida prison

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024

Support is building for the Militant’s fight against efforts by officials at Florida’s Jackson Correctional Institution to ban the paper, a violation of inmates’ constitutional rights and the right of the Militant to reach its subscribers behind bars. The Militant…

Nova festival exhibit shows reality of Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024
Open Jew-hatred marked protest against Nova festival exhibit in New York June 10. Protesters claimed exhibit showing brutality of Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom was just “Zionist propaganda.”

NEW YORK — Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Rachele Fruit and five campaign supporters June 19 toured an exhibit here — “October 7/6:29 a.m. The Moment Music Stood Still.” It graphically shows the truth about the anti-Jewish pogrom led by…

‘Hamas trafficked in Palestinian blood, ruined our lives’

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024

Increasing numbers of Gazans have begun to speak out against Hamas, holding the group responsible for hurling them into eight months of war with Israel and bringing death and destruction into their lives. “I do not want to sacrifice my…

Beijing uses frame-up trial to shut down rights in Hong Kong

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024

Fourteen political figures in Hong Kong opposed to Beijing’s increasingly authoritarian control over the former British colony were found guilty of “subversion” in a landmark trial against political freedoms May 30. Of the 47 originally arrested, 31 had entered guilty…

US, UN-led intervention forces will fuel, not solve, crisis in Haiti

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024
From 1957 to 1986, U.S.-backed regimes of Francois (Papa Doc) and Jean-Claude (Baby Doc} Duvalier used notorious Tonton Macoutes paramilitary force, shown above on parade, to eliminate foes and terrorize working people. Their brutal rule was backed by Washington.

MIAMI — The Joseph Biden administration seized on the May 23 killing of three Christian missionaries working in Haiti — two Americans and a Haitian — to call for an “expedited deployment” of a multinational military force to fight powerful…