US, UN-led intervention forces will fuel, not solve, crisis in Haiti

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024
From 1957 to 1986, U.S.-backed regimes of Francois (Papa Doc) and Jean-Claude (Baby Doc} Duvalier used notorious Tonton Macoutes paramilitary force, shown above on parade, to eliminate foes and terrorize working people. Their brutal rule was backed by Washington.

MIAMI — The Joseph Biden administration seized on the May 23 killing of three Christian missionaries working in Haiti — two Americans and a Haitian — to call for an “expedited deployment” of a multinational military force to fight powerful…

New endorser backs SWP call for labor party

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024
New endorser backs SWP call for labor party

EL RENO, Okla. — “America needs an independent labor party from the workers,” Robert Stock said as he signed a card to endorse the campaign of Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president, June 2. Stock, above left,…

Conviction of Trump deals new blows to political rights

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024

The seven-year drive by Democratic Party bosses, prosecutors and the liberal media to bring down, ruin and imprison Donald Trump is accelerating with the coming presidential election. They finally got a conviction by a jury in New York City May…

Hospitals sue patients over medical debts

Vol. 88/No. 24 - June 17, 2024
Lionel and Brenda White, in Charlotte, North Carolina, agreed to monthly payments on medical bills to put off threat of legal action. Whites said they feared losing their house. Bills totaled $50,529, more than each one earns in a year.

Hospitals, especially in rural areas, are increasingly filing suit against patients for unpaid medical bills that run into the tens of billions of dollars. Some 15 million people in the U.S. owe money to area hospitals, an example of the…

Flight attendant unions call June 13 rallies at airports in US and Britain

Vol. 88/No. 23 - June 10, 2024
Flight attendants rally in Washington, D.C., May 9. With no pay raise in five years, their unions called protests at 30 airports June 13, demanding new contract, pay for all hours worked.

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA and Association of Professional Flight Attendants, representing some 77,000 flight attendants between them, have called for picket lines at 30 airports June 13 to press their demands for new contracts. After working more than two…

‘Amnesty for immigrants in the US, unify working class’

Vol. 88/No. 23 - June 10, 2024
Dennis Richter, center, Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice president, campaigns in New York among delivery workers, many from West African countries, May 24. He said workers in the U.S. and Africa have common interests in the fight against capitalist rule.

NEW YORK — During a visit here May 24, Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. vice president, spoke with a dozen or more app-based bicycle food delivery workers — many from West African countries — about conditions faced…

Despite pressure from US rulers, Israel fights on to defeat Hamas

Vol. 88/No. 23 - June 10, 2024
Railroad workers rally outside company office in Kerman province, Iran, May 19, protest firing of co-workers, demand better wages and working conditions. Protests, strikes by workers continue despite regime’s attempt to mobilize support for destruction of Israel as refuge for Jews.

Standing up to increasing pressure from capitalist officials around the world — from the White House to the European Union and the United Nations — for Israel to end its war without dismantling Hamas, Israeli forces continue to strike blows…