‘Build solidarity with Boeing, port strikers!’

‘Workers need to build a party of labor to fight for political power!’
Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
Rachele Fruit, SWP candidate for president, left, joins picket by postal workers in Eagan, Minnesota, part of nationwide day of protests by American Postal Workers Union Oct. 1.

Fruit: ‘Two strikes on the front line of class struggle’ UNION CITY, N.J. — “Fuel prices are so high that truckers see little income and farmers get even less from what they produce,” Paul de Leon, a truck driver from…

Aramark workers strike sports stadiums over wages, health care

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

PHILADELPHIA — Food, beverage, retail and concessions workers at Aramark, members of UNITE HERE Local 274, went on strike at the city’s sports and entertainment complex Sept. 23. The strikers work in the three arenas of Philadelphia’s professional basketball, baseball,…

Postal workers rally across the US

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

Chants of “Union proud, say it loud!” marked the American Postal Workers Union national day of action held in 90 cities across the U.S. Oct. 1. “The bosses want more productivity out of less people. One person is doing the…

Join SWP fall drive to expand reach of ‘Militant,’ books

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
James Harris, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Washington, D.C., delegate to Congress, speaks at rally at northeast D.C. post office of postal workers union fighting for a new contract.

Efforts by members of the Socialist Workers Party are underway to maximize the reach of the presidential campaign of Rachele Fruit for president and Dennis Richter for vice president, win hundreds of new readers to the Militant, sell 1,300 books…

300 Montreal port workers strike over family-breaking schedules

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
Teamsters join in solidarity as over 300 Montreal port workers, members of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 375, begin a three-day strike Sept. 30 at two terminals run by Termont. Bosses handle 41% of container traffic at Canada’s second-largest port.

MONTREAL — Port workers, members of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 375, began a three-day strike here Sept. 30. Union members rejected the employers’ last offer by over 99%, and voted 98% to authorize a strike. Of the 1,197…

East Palestine residents protest settlement with railroad

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — “We got railroaded on Wednesday,” Chris Albright, representing Justice for East Palestine Residents and Workers, told a meeting of 30 people here Sept. 28, referring to the decision by Judge Benita Pearson to approve the $600…

Appeals court questions New York Trump conviction

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

An appeals court hearing Sept. 26 offered further confirmation that New York Judge Arthur Engoron’s conviction of Donald Trump in a civil fraud case last year was an egregious and politically motivated ruling. The case was cooked up by Democrats…

Blows to Hezbollah open door to advances by region’s toilers

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

Hezbollah’s actions have earned it the hatred of millions across the Middle East. The reactionary group has never had majority support in Lebanon, and many still fear violent reprisals if they speak out against Hezbollah. Israel’s victories are an aid…

Five US prisoners put to death in one single week

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

For the first time in 20 years, five prisoners were executed in the U.S. in a single week, Sept. 20-26. Seven more are scheduled to be killed before the end of the year, further testimony to the brutality of the…

Working-class fighters today need to study the lessons of history

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
Table for slaves to wash off silver mined at Laurion in Greece over 2,500 years ago. Frederick Engels criticized those who moralized against ancient slave society. The evolution of class society registered advances for humanity, laying groundwork for socialist revolution today.

Labor, Nature, and the Evolution of Humanity: The Long View of History by Frederick Engels, Karl Marx, George Novack and Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for October. The collection of writings covers the sweep of…