‘Reads as if it had been written today’

Vol. 88/No. 42 - November 11, 2024
Mary-Alice Waters, left, and Isabel Moya, at Feb. 14, 2011, Havana launch of Cuban edition of Cosmetics, Fashions and the Exploitation of Women. The book takes up “the explosive development of the consumerist phase of imperialism,” Moya said, “a phase that today, paradoxically, has reached both its highest expression and its deepest crisis.”

“Is the use of cosmetics worth the attention of a Marxist?” JACK BUSTELO “Naked or clothed, dressed in linen or polyester, shaved, plucked, tattooed, painted, adorned with pearls or ceramic beads, siliconed, liposuctioned, covered with visible or invisible scars, with…

Hundreds of United flight attendants demand new contract

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024
Members of Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, supporters picket United Airlines headquarters in Chicago Oct. 17 in fight for contract, sizable wage raise, pay for all time worked.

CHICAGO —Some 500 Association of Flight Attendants-CWA members at United Airlines and their supporters ringed the Willis Tower in Chicago’s downtown in a spirited picket line that stretched for four blocks Oct. 17. The skyscraper — formerly known as the…

Unionists help prevent closure of New York state birth center

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024

ALBANY, N.Y. — At the Capital District Area Labor Federation’s Annual Gala Oct. 11, Save the Burdett Birth Center Coalition received the federation’s Solidarity Award. Ashley Saupp, a leader of the coalition, said they could not have succeeded without the…

Locked out for four months, Prelco unionists stand firm

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024

MONTREAL — Over 100 locked-out Prelco workers and their supporters gathered in front of this industrial glass manufacturer here Oct. 18 for a solidarity concert and food. The 90 members of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) have been…

NY Proposition 1 is threat to rights, ploy to boost Democrats

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado at primary election night party, June 28, 2022, in New York. Democratic-backed Proposition 1, falsely posed as a road to expand political rights, is in reality the opposite, a “woke” move to strengthen capitalist politics.

NEW YORK — Proposition 1, often referred to by its Democratic Party boosters as the “Equal Rights Amendment” or the “Equal Protection of the Law Amendment,” will be on the ballot in New York Nov. 5. The measure is being…

Workers step up solidarity in face of the US embargo

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024
Isbel González charges neighbors’ cellphones at Casa Vera, a private student residence that made its power generator available to community during blackout. Inset, online post by Dania Murciano, resident of Holguín, eastern Cuba, with photo of devices being charged. Her post says: “You can still come here to charge. This is the moment to give a hand to each other.”

HAVANA — Countless expressions of working-class solidarity have spread across Cuba, accompanying government efforts to confront the impact of two recent major emergencies — a three-day collapse of the national electrical grid and the damage caused by Hurricane Oscar in…

‘Defend Israel as a refuge from Jew-hatred, pogroms’

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024
Rachele Fruit, left, SWP candidate for president, is interviewed by press at Holocaust Memorial Oct. 10, 2023, in Miami, while at rally of 3,000 after murderous Hamas pogrom.

Iran rulers’ threats to Israel and Jews imperil all working people ATLANTA — “Oct. 7 was a declaration of war against the existence of Israel, a refuge for 7 million Jews and home to 2 million Palestinians and Arabs,” Rachele…

Washington economic war fuels the blackouts in Cuba

Vol. 88/No. 41 - November 4, 2024

Millions of people across Cuba were without electricity over several days as the island was hit by a fourth nationwide blackout Oct. 20. The Cuban power grid repeatedly collapsed, choking the economy and making daily life a challenge. This energy…