Back teachers, join Socialist Workers Party campaign!

Vol. 82/No. 20 - May 21, 2018

The following statement was issued, May 9 by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director. After three decades of retreats something new is happening in the labor movement. With courage and determination teachers are showing in practice the capacities…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 20 - May 21, 2018

May 24, 1993 PENSACOLA, Florida — Chanting “We won’t back down” and “Choice Now,” more than 2,000 people marched through Pensacola May 8 to support abortion rights and protest the murder of Dr. David Gunn, who was killed outside a…

Unions lead fight against racism, for working-class unity

Vol. 82/No. 20 - May 21, 2018

Fighting Racism in World War II is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. This selection — “CIO Committee Fights Jim Crow” from the Nov. 4, 1944, Militant — is by Charles Jackson, the pen name for Dr.…

Education under capitalism is a class question

Vol. 82/No. 20 - May 21, 2018

Below are excerpts from The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning: The Fraud of Education Reform Under Capitalism by SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes. Copyright © 2000 by Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by permission. The purpose of education in class…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 19 - May 14, 2018

May 17, 1993 KAYENTA, Navajo Reservation, Arizona — United Mine Workers of America Local 1924 president Eugenie Bodonie told the Militant that the local’s membership voted unanimously to give eastern coal miners “full support in the BCOA [Bituminous Coal Operators…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

May 10, 1993 KENNETT SQUARE, Pennsylvania — Representing labor, church, student and community groups, 500 people marched through this town April 24 in support of striking mushroom workers. The march followed by a rally at a park next to the…

‘Summon masses to struggle against imperialism and war’

Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

Below is an excerpt from Lenin’s Struggle for a Revolutionary International, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for April. In September 1916 the last national conference of the united Socialist Democratic Party of Germany took place before it split.…