25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023

October 5, 1998 MUTAWINTJI, Australia — In the culmination of a 15-year fight, more than 500 Aborigines and their supporters from around eastern Australia gathered at newly renamed Mutawintji National Park Sept. 5 for a day of celebration to mark…


Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023

In Militant issue no. 35, the Socialist Workers Party statement titled “Protest Abbas’ defense of the Holocaust” should have read, “Some two-thirds of European Jews [not all Jews] were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.”

Join campaign to expand reach of the ‘Militant’!

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
Laura Garza, right, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from California, discusses politics with participants at Mexican Independence Day celebration in Oxnard Sept. 17.

The Socialist Workers Party’s fall campaign to win 1,350 subscribers to the Militant, sell 1,350 books by party leaders and other revolutionaries and raise $140,000 for the SWP Party-Building Fund is off and running! We’re asking our readers to join…

How Cuba’s revolution took hold in the Escambray mountains

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
Volunteer militia members learn to read in Escambray mountains, 1961. Literacy campaign and land reform benefited peasants, building support for drive to defeat U.S.-backed counterrevolutionary bands. These steps were crucial in advancing Cuba’s unfolding socialist revolution.

From the Escambray to the Congo: In the Whirlwind of the Cuban Revolution by Víctor Dreke is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for September. As a high school student, Dreke joined Cuba’s revolutionary movement, then became a Rebel…

Protest Abbas’ defense of the Holocaust

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Statement by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Council, Sept. 13. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Aug. 24 statement defending the Holocaust should be condemned by the labor movement and all those opposed to exploitation and…

With proper leadership, the working class can overcome

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Teamster Bureaucracy by Farrell Dobbs is one of the Books of the Month for September. The last of his four volumes on the Teamsters, it covers the political campaign to organize working-class resistance to the bosses’ attacks and the U.S.…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

September 28, 1998 Working-class fighters should throw their support behind the Dec. 10 national day of protests to demand the release of 15 Puerto Rican political prisoners held in U.S. jails. The Puerto Rican patriots were given maximum sentences —…

Capitalist crises pose necessity of socialist revolution in the US

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
New York Stock Exchange, Oct. 19, 1987, onset of U.S. financial crash. Similar crash struck world markets in 2007. Crises are built into the workings of capitalism, driving bosses and their governments to push to salvage their profit system on the backs of working people.

The French edition of  Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible? by Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for September. It features talks the Socialist Workers Party leader gave as part of an extended political debate…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023

September 14, 1998 DURBAN, South Africa — The 12th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, which includes 113 governments, mostly from semicolonial nations oppressed by imperialism, convened here Aug. 29. Cuban president Fidel Castro arrived Sept. 1 to take part in…

Thomas Sankara pointed revolutionary road forward in Africa

Vol. 87/No. 33 - September 4, 2023
Fidel Castro welcomes Thomas Sankara in Havana Sept. 25, 1984. Sankara, a communist, looked to Castro’s Marxist leadership and the voluntary mobilizations of workers and peasants in Cuba’s socialist revolution as he led a popular, democratic revolution in Burkina Faso.

Thomas Sankara Speaks is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for August. Sankara was the outstanding leader of a revolution in Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in Africa, from 1983 to 1987. His speeches explain how the…