
Vol. 88/No. 21 - May 27, 2024

In issue no. 20, the headline “Railroad, port workers in Canada vote to go on strike” was incorrect. Montreal port workers overwhelmingly rejected the bosses’ contract offer but unlike the rail workers they have not yet taken a vote to…

Unionists rally on May Day to boost workers’ struggles

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

Hotel workers and other unionists across the country took the May Day workers’ holiday to hold marches and rallies marking strikes and other fights with the bosses. Below are a few examples. Over 1,000 D.C. hotel workers march on May…

Castro: ‘Debt to imperialist banks is unpayable, immoral’

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024
Banner in Puerto Rico, 2017: “The debt is not ours, it’s the empire’s!” Inset, Fidel Castro speaking Aug. 3, 1985, at “continental dialogue” in Havana, advancing campaign to demand foreign debt of the entire Third World be canceled. It is unpayable, and immoral, given the exploitation of semi-colonial countries by imperialism, he said.

Fidel Castro Speeches 1984-85: War and Crisis in the Americas is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. At a time when a new debt crisis is looming, we publish extracts from two interviews Cuban President Fidel Castro…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

May 24, 1999 The U.S.-organized NATO forces bombed the central market and a hospital in Nis, Yugoslavia, in midday May 7, killing 14 civilians. They blasted the Chinese embassy in downtown Belgrade that night, killing three people. As protests erupted…

Castro: ‘Cancel Third World Debt!’

Vol. 88/No. 20 - May 20, 2024

Fidel Castro’s 1985 campaign to unite underdeveloped countries to repudiate their unpayable foreign debts peaked with a Latin American “continental dialogue” in Havana July 30-Aug. 3. Over 1,000 delegates from 17 countries participated. The gathering had been preceded by conventions…

Dennis Richter, SWP candidate for vice president

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024

The Socialist Workers Party nominated Dennis Richter as its vice presidential candidate April 29. Due to health considerations that need attention over the next several months, Margaret Trowe, who had been the party’s candidate, will no longer be able to…

Fighting Jew-hatred: continuity of the Socialist Workers Party

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024
Socialist Workers Party called November 1938 protest in New York demanding Washington open entry to the U.S. to Jewish refugees. Action was called after Kristallnacht, when Nazi storm troopers rounded up 30,000 Jews, destroyed Jewish businesses, synagogues in Germany.

The following excerpt is from Chapter 5 of The Fight Against Jew-Hatred and Pogroms in the Imperialist Epoch: Stakes for the International Working Class. The book describes the continuity of the movement in the fight against Jew-hatred going back more…

The revolutionary potential of the working class in the US

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024
Kentucky teachers walk out in protest in April 2018 inspired by victory two months earlier in West Virginia by teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, who won raises for all state employees. Actions pointed to social movement needed to fight for interests of all working people.

The French edition of In Defense of the US Working Class by Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. It features the talk Waters gave at an April 24-26, 2018, international conference in Havana organized…