25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 86/No. 14 - April 11, 2022

April 14, 1997 MIAMI — For the first time in the 38-year history of the Cuban revolution, high-level representatives of the Cuban government spoke before a broad meeting in this city, sponsored by the Miami Coalition to End the U.S.…

Working people need to take political power

Vol. 86/No. 14 - April 11, 2022

Since the Vladimir Putin regime in Moscow began its murderous invasion of Ukraine, seeking to obliterate that country’s existence as an independent nation, the Socialist Workers Party has stepped up explaining that the U.S.-dominated imperialist world system is marching toward…

Stalin’s oppression, Nazi occupation fuel fight for Ukraine independence

Vol. 86/No. 14 - April 11, 2022
Grain taken from Ukrainian peasants near Kyiv, 1930, amid Stalinist forced collectivization and national oppression, led to widespread famine and death of almost 4 million Ukrainians.

As Ukrainian working people, arms in hand, defend their country’s sovereignty against Moscow’s invasion today, the Militant features Samizdat, Voices of the Soviet Opposition, which contains clandestine writings circulated in the Soviet Union that challenged the anti-working-class regime under Joseph…

1991 Iraq war sounded opening guns of World War III

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022

Below is a selection from New International no. 7, which features the article “Washington’s Assault on Iraq: The Opening Guns of World War III,” published just after the first Gulf War. Copyright © 1991 by New International. Reprinted by permission.  …

‘The revolution cannot triumph without emancipation of women’

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022
Revolutionary leader and President of Burkina Faso Thomas Sankara speaks on International Women’s Day, March 8, 1987. He was assassinated that year in counterrevolutionary coup.

To mark International Women’s Month, the Militant is featuring the French edition of   Women’s Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle by Thomas Sankara. Sankara  led a popular uprising in August 1983 that established a revolutionary government in Burkina Faso, in…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022

April 7, 1997 President William Clinton reaffirmed Washington’s plans to expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization into eastern and central Europe at his March 20-21 conference with Russian president Boris Yeltsin in Helsinki, Finland. “I have reaffirmed that NATO enlargement…

Join fight against imperialism and war

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022

Statement released March 23 by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress from New Jersey. The Socialist Workers Party champions the fight of Ukrainian working people to defeat the bloody invasion of their country by Moscow. We point…