Workers need our own foreign policy

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021

Statement by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, Aug. 18.  President Joseph Biden claims his foreign policy “is the right one for America.” But there is no “America” that stands above conflicting social classes — the…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021

September 2, 1996 Leading the bipartisan assault against a half century of social gains by working people, President William Clinton announced July 31 that he will sign the new “welfare reform” bill adopted by the U.S. Congress. By eliminating federally…

Stalin school of falsification led attack against Bolshevism

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021
V.I. Lenin, above left, leader of Russian Revolution, pictured alongside Leon Trotsky, commander of Soviet Red Army, Nov. 7, 1919. Inset, Joseph Stalin ordered Trotsky and others crudely airbrushed out of history as his bureaucratic machine prepared purge of those revolutionary leaders fighting for Lenin’s proletarian internationalist course.

The Stalin School of Falsification by Leon Trotsky is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for August. Trotsky was part of the central leadership of the mighty Bolshevik-led Russian Revolution of 1917 that transformed world history. He was part…

‘Fidel belongs to the working people of the world’

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021

The following letter was sent by Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes to Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, on Nov. 27, 2016, after the death two days earlier of Fidel Castro, his brother…


Vol. 85/No. 31 - August 23, 2021

In the Aug. 16 Militant, the On the Picket Line article “Aluminum Workers Strike Rio Tinto in Canada” should have said the union is demanding that younger workers be put into more secure defined benefit pension plans instead of the…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 31 - August 23, 2021

August 19, 1996 SANTIAGO DE CUBA — “We will continue fighting each time with more efficiency, more consciousness, more responsibility,” said Cuban president Fidel Castro in his speech on July 26 in Holguín, on the 43rd anniversary of the assault…

Defend Cuba’s socialist revolution!

Vol. 85/No. 31 - August 23, 2021

Statement by Vivian Sahner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey lieutenant governor, Aug. 11. Working people are not only capable of waging mighty revolutionary struggles, we have proven we can win. That is the lesson of the two great…

Mother Jones: All workers must unite to fight common foe

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021
Painting of Mother Jones around 1900 leading protest by union workers. Communist leader Leon Trotsky called her a ”heroic American proletarian” with “unflagging devotion to working people,” noting she had “contempt for traitors, careerists among working-class ‘leaders.’”

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for August is Mother Jones Speaks: Speeches and Writings of a Working-Class Fighter. From the end of the Civil War until her death in 1930 at age 100, Mary Harris “Mother” Jones tirelessly…

Armando Choy, Chinese Cuban general and veteran revolutionary

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021

Armando Choy Rodríguez, a brigadier general in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba, died July 27. He was one of three Chinese Cuban generals interviewed in the book Our History Is Still Being Written, published by Pathfinder Press. The book…