
Vol. 85/No. 23 - June 14, 2021

The article “Working People Face Fight for Jobs, Steepest Price Hikes in Many Years” in issue no. 22 incorrectly said Whole Foods’ “365” brand was introduced two years ago. It has had a version of this brand available for many…

For recognition of Palestinian state, Israel

Vol. 85/No. 22 - June 7, 2021

The following is based on excerpts from a December 2017 statement by Jack Barnes, Socialist Workers Party national secretary. Pressing for the Israeli and Arab governments and leaderships of Palestinian organizations to begin immediate talks to recognize both Israel and…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 22 - June 7, 2021

June 10, 1996 PARIS — “Massively reduce work time to create jobs,” read the lead banner of the May 23 union demonstration here. The demonstration drew more than 10,000 people. Workers in a number of shops took part in work…


Vol. 85/No. 22 - June 7, 2021

Chernobyl, Cuban Revolution Thanks for the article on Cuba’s assistance to the victims of Stalinist mismanagement in Chernobyl. Teaching at the community college in Miami in the first decade of this century, I had several students who were among the…

Build solidarity with labor struggles!

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021

Statement by Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Pittsburgh mayor, May 19. “Our strength does come from our sticking together,” Dave McCall, international vice president of the United Steelworkers, told a May 15 rally of striking steelworkers and their…

The Cuban Revolution: An example for us today

Black liberation, workers’ stake in defending due process and how cops and courts serve capitalist rule
Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021
Fidel Castro, left, addresses crowd in Colón, Cuba, Jan. 7, 1959, as Freedom Caravan crosses Cuba on way to Havana after overthrow of U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Cuba’s socialist revolution, along with struggle to bring down Jim Crow segregation, helped us “understand the kind of revolutionary transformation of ourselves necessary to defeat capitalist rulers,” said Mary-Alice Waters at Midwest Socialist Workers Party meeting April 24.

“Cuba and the Coming American Revolution: The 60th Anniversary of Two Historic Victories of the Cuban Revolution and Their Significance for Building a Revolutionary Party in the United States — Then and Now” was the featured talk at the Socialist…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021

June 3, 1996 Fidel Castro speaks on 35th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolutionary armed forces at the Bay of Pigs: We know that the United States would not pardon us for making a revolution. What kind of…