Luxemburg, Liebknecht: martyrs of the revolutionary movement

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024
Revolutionary internationalist leaders Rosa Luxemburg, inset, speaking in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1907 and Karl Liebknecht, speaking in Berlin in 1918. The two revolutionaries, jailed by the German government for opposing imperialist war, hailed victory of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Portraits, Political and Personal by Leon Trotsky is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for April. Trotsky was a central leader of the October 1917 Russian Revolution led by V.I. Lenin and fought the overturn of its proletarian internationalist…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024

April 12, 1999 ATLANTA — Cuban youth leaders Luis Ernesto Morejón and Itamys García Villar spoke to some 325 students, farmers, and workers during their visit to Georgia. This was the youths’ first stop on a seven-city tour. Both are…


Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024

A sentence in the article “Roots of advances for Cuban women are in our revolution,” in Militant issue no. 13 got garbled. It should have read, “The panelists addressed other social questions that affect women.”

Che: Cuba’s socialist revolution shows way forward for humanity

Vol. 88/No. 13 - April 1, 2024
Che Guevara, right, in voluntary labor at 1961 Cuban construction site. In 1987, Fidel Castro led revival of Che’s ideas on transforming working people while deepening socialist revolution

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March is  Che Guevara Speaks, first published within weeks of his death in combat at the hands of the CIA and U.S.-trained forces in Bolivia in 1967. Che joined the revolutionary movement…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 88/No. 13 - April 1, 2024

April 5, 1999 NEW YORK CITY — The daily demonstrations here against the police killing of Amadou Diallo have provoked a crisis for the administration of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Tens of thousands of working people have taken part. Picket lines…

Thomas Sankara: ‘Revolution, women’s liberation go together’

Vol. 88/No. 12 - March 25, 2024
Thomas Sankara, leader of 1983-87 popular revolutionary government in Burkina Faso, delivers speech to several thousand women on International Women’s Day, March 8, 1987. He explained that “the authenticity and the future of our revolution depends on women.”

To mark International Women’s Day, the Militant is running this excerpt from a speech by Thomas Sankara, leader of the popular democratic revolution in Burkina Faso, to a rally of several thousand women on March 8, 1987. It is from…