Defend jobs, wages, working conditions!

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement June 3. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. From strikes by thousands of autoworkers at Nissan in Spain fighting to keep their jobs, to…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020

June 19, 1995 MONTREAL — Protests involving thousands of working people are being organized almost every day since the Quebec government announced plans May 11 to close nine hospitals in the Montreal area. Close to 1,600 beds are slated to…

Demand jobs! Fight for public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 22 - June 8, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement May 26. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. The bosses and their governments tell workers “we are all in this together” as they have…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 22 - June 8, 2020

June 12, 1995 SAO PAULO, Brazil — “This strike is about dignity and sovereignty,” said Eduardo Jenner Ozório, an operator at the Petrobras oil refinery in Cubatao, Brazil. Jenner gave an interview to the Militant May 30 through the steel…

How Cuban military commander was won to the revolution

Vol. 84/No. 21 - June 1, 2020
At Bay of Pigs in April 1961, U.S. transport ship Houston, carrying counterrevolutionary invaders, was sunk by fledgling Cuban revolutionary air force. Inset, Enrique Carreras led the pilots in action.

The Spanish-language edition of   Making History: Interviews With Four Generals of Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces by Enrique Carreras, Harry Villegas, José Ramón Fernández and Néstor López Cuba is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. The first piece…


Vol. 84/No. 21 - June 1, 2020

The person in the photo holding a sign that accompanies the article “School, Municipal, Cleaning Workers Win Strike in Iceland” in Militant  issue no. 20 was misidentified. Her name is Frida Hammer.

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 21 - June 1, 2020

June 5, 1995 JERSEY CITY, New Jersey — Some 500 people marched here May 17 to protest police brutality and demand justice for Julio Tarquino. He was arrested, handcuffed, and brutally beaten by off-duty police officers May 8. He died…

Fight for gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 21 - June 1, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for president, issued the following statement May 19. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. Strikes by workers at fruit packing plants in Washington state and independent truckers protesting in…