‘Best start to Militant, book, SWP fund drive in years’

Vol. 85/No. 38 - October 18, 2021
At Brooklyn Book Fair Oct. 3, Róger Calero, SWP candidate for New York mayor, discusses party program. Volunteers sold 25 Militant subscriptions, 50 books, got donations to SWP fund.

The drive to reach out broadly with the Militant and books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries and to raise money to finance the work of the party got off to a great start over the opening weekend…

Caravans, rallies demand: ‘End US embargo of Cuba!’

Vol. 85/No. 37 - October 11, 2021

Caravans and rallies protesting Washington’s decadeslong economic war against Cuba were organized Sept. 26 in at least 12 U.S. cities, in Canada, the U.K. and five other countries. From Miami to Minneapolis, Seattle to Mexico City and Buenos Aires, Argentina,…

Mexico’s fight against colonial rule launched in 1810

Vol. 85/No. 36 - October 4, 2021
Mexico’s fight against colonial rule launched in 1810

El Grito de Dolores is celebrated Sept. 16 as a national holiday in Mexico and by Mexicans around the world. It marks the opening of the independence struggle against Spanish colonial rule in 1810. On that day Catholic priest Miguel…

Biden orders mass deportations of Haitians in Texas

Vol. 85/No. 36 - October 4, 2021
Biden orders mass deportations of Haitians in Texas

More than 14,000 migrants, the vast majority of them Haitians seeking asylum and jobs in the U.S., have been camped out in squalid conditions in Del Rio, Texas. Most are fenced in under an international bridge over the Rio Grande…

SWP: ‘US forces out of Korea! Lift economic sanctions!’

Vol. 85/No. 35 - September 27, 2021

“We stand in solidarity with the Korean people’s struggle to reunify the country and restore Korea’s national sovereignty,” Steve Clark wrote for the Socialist Workers Party in a Sept. 9 letter to the North Korean government on the 73rd anniversary…

Protests demand: End US embargo of Cuba!

Vol. 85/No. 34 - September 20, 2021
Caravans, rallies and meetings took place in U.S., Canada, U.K. and elsewhere Aug. 29, protesting Washington’s economic war against Cuba. Above, protesters at Toussaint L’Ouverture park in Miami donated to Haiti earthquake relief.

Car and bike caravans along with pickets and rallies protesting Washington’s more than 60-year-long economic war against Cuba’s socialist revolution took place in at least half a dozen U.S. cities, as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom and other…

Stewardship of land and labor falls to the working class

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Malcolm Jarrett, then SWP vice president candidate and currently SWP candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh, speaks at July 30, 2019, Allegheny County Health Department hearing, says workers need to fight for control of production to stop U.S. Steel plant poisoning workers, community.

The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently released its sixth assessment report, provoking renewed hysteria in the capitalist media and among liberal “Green New Deal” proponents that environmental disaster confronts us all today. The report is “code red…

NLRB orders union election rerun at Amazon warehouse in Alabama

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021

A National Labor Relations Board official recommended Aug. 2 that the April vote against the recognizing of a union at the Amazon fulfillment center in Bessemer, Alabama, earlier this year be thrown out for company malfeasance, and a new election…

Fight to get workers back on the job, defend our jobs and unions

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021
Some 600 members of BCTGM Local 218 at Frito-Lay in Kansas returned to work July 26 after three weeks on strike over forced overtime, wages. They won broad solidarity for their fight.

While the bosses’ press celebrates a profit bonanza on Wall Street, millions of workers still don’t have jobs, employers are fighting to hold down wages as prices keep rising, and the federal government’s COVID-based bar on evictions has expired. Changing…

Gloria Richardson, fighter for Black rights, Freedom Now Party

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021
Meeting in Chester, Pennsylvania, hosted by Freedom Now Committee, March 14, 1964, to form Black rights group ACT. From left, Lawrence Landry, Chicago school boycott leader; Gloria Richardson; comedian Dick Gregory; Malcolm X; and Stanley Branche, committee chair.

Gloria Richardson, a leader in the fight for Black rights in the U.S., died July 15. She was 99. As head of the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee in Cambridge, Maryland, an affiliate of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, she led…