The working people of Ukraine fight to defend their independence

Vol. 88/No. 6 - February 12, 2024
“No War” painted on snow Dec. 9 by Ivan Zhizhnevsky in Kirov, some 500 miles northeast of Moscow. Like thousands of other protesters, he was arrested. Feb. 24 marks opening of the third year of Moscow’s murderous invasion against Ukraine and its people.

Moscow has stepped up its deadly aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities, bombarding apartment buildings, schools, energy infrastructure and other civilian targets in hopes of demoralizing working people fighting to defend their country’s independence. But Ukrainian workers are determined to beat…

Moscow threatens to crush Ukraine, Ukrainian people

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024

It has been nearly two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime launched its invasion of Ukraine, hoping to seize Kyiv, kill the elected leadership and take control over the country within a few days. But working people of Ukraine,…

Panel blown off Boeing airplane shows need to end profit system

Vol. 88/No. 4 - January 29, 2024
Door-size panel tore off Alaska Airlines plane Jan. 5, forcing emergency landing in Portland, Oregon. Threat to passengers, crews is a result of the bosses’ insatiable drive for profits.

The near disaster when a door-sized panel on an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 jet ripped off in midflight Jan. 5 exposes once again how the bosses’ drive for profits above all else comes at the expense of safety…

Biden says all is swell, but workers face a different reality

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024

The Joseph Biden administration and his boosters in the liberal media are churning out propaganda claiming prospects for the U.S. capitalist economy have never looked better. They say inflation has been lowered to “acceptable” levels, full employment abounds and the…

Nearly half of Israel’s Jews trace their roots to Arab countries

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023
Yemeni Jews arrive at Lod Airport in 1950 after fleeing Yemen due to anti-Jewish persecution.

A recently published book — Sephardi Voices: The Untold Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands, by Henry Green and Richard Stursberg — addresses a seldom-discussed history. Green touched on this in a public meeting in Miami Dec. 3, titled “Voices…

Democrats tout ‘Bidenomics’ as workers face job losses, inflation

Vol. 87/No. 47 - December 18, 2023

The Joseph Biden administration, his 2024 campaign spin doctors and the liberal media insist inflation is dropping to “acceptable” levels. But the conditions working people face are anything but “acceptable.” It’s not just grocery prices that keep going up, but…

Bosses at ‘assisted living’ use add on fees to boost profits

Vol. 87/No. 46 - December 11, 2023

Increasing numbers of older workers who have turned to assisted-living facilities for housing and care are unable to cover the huge costs and increasing “add on” fees the profit-hungry bosses impose on them. This reflects the social and moral crisis…

‘Bidenomics’: A boon for the rich, poorhouse for workers

Vol. 87/No. 45 - December 4, 2023

The Joseph Biden administration boasts its economic policies — dubbed “Bidenomics” — will lead to the president keeping the White House in 2024. But the real-life experience of tens of millions of workers is increasing their uncertainty about the future,…