J.C. Penney’s full-time workers are now part time

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

Hammered by stiffening competition from retail giants Walmart and Amazon, department store chain J.C. Penney is making moves to stay afloat by targeting its workers’ hours, wages and benefits. The company plans to eliminate most full-time jobs, converting them to…

Bosses attacks unravel miners gains against black lung

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

“Black Lung Disease Comes Storming Back in Coal Country” read the headline in the Feb. 22 New York Times. They’re talking about a debilitating and deadly disease that had been pushed way back by a powerful battle waged by miners,…

Walmart winning ‘retail wars,’ putting squeeze on its workers

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Walmart and Amazon bosses have been battling for domination in market share and profits. The Walton family owners of Walmart have been winning, as Amazon has proven unable to launch any serious challenge to their utter domination of the brick-and-mortar…

Criminal ‘justice’ parole system pushes workers back into prison

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

There is a debate today among the capitalist rulers and those they’ve tasked with running their criminal “justice” system — whether it’s in their best interests to reduce the number of workers behind bars and those on the parole and…

See Cuba for yourself, sign up for May Day Brigade

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

You have a unique opportunity this spring to spend two weeks in Cuba to learn firsthand how workers and farmers there made a revolution in 1959, what it means for them today and the example it provides for us here…

Stock market gyrations sign of capitalism’s crisis today

Vol. 82/No. 8 - February 26, 2018

Huge gyrations on stock prices accompanied by a market plunge that wiped out some $5 trillion in paper values at the beginning of February highlight the fact that overvalued stocks — fueled by speculative investment — are increasingly vulnerable to…

Fla. ban on vote for former felons ruled unconstitutional

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

In another advance for political rights, federal Judge Mark Walker ruled Feb. 1 that Florida’s lifetime ban on former prisoners with felony convictions being able to vote is unconstitutional. The ruling comes just nine days after almost a million people…

Oscar López: ‘Crisis in Puerto Rico is colonialism’

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018
Oscar López: ‘Crisis in Puerto Rico is colonialism’

NEW YORK — Some 100 people attended a meeting at Hostos Community College in the Bronx here with Puerto Rican independence fighter Oscar López Rivera Feb. 1. Asked what he saw in Puerto Rico when he returned there after serving…