Older workers face economic crisis, insecurity, growing homelessness

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023

Despite self-congratulatory reports in the liberal capitalist media that the U.S. economy is doing great, working people increasingly face a growing social crisis today. More and more older workers are losing their lodging, consigned to a shelter or onto the…

NY forum discusses fight for jobs, amnesty for immigrants

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
May 1 march and rally in Milwaukee protests attacks on immigrant workers. Bosses scapegoat immigrants to divide working class, push down wages as capitalist crisis deepens today.

NEW YORK — “Fight for jobs for all  workers! Build the unions! A working-class response to the ‘migration crisis’” was the topic of a lively discussion at the Militant Labor Forum here Sept. 16. Speaking for the Socialist Workers Party…

Miners face rise in black lung as bosses reap profits

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023

Black lung, a devastating and often fatal disease caused by prolonged exposure to dust that scars lung tissue, has been on the rise among coal miners over the past two decades, as the bosses’ drive for profits comes at the…

Prisoner hunger strike in Bahrain inspires protests

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Since Aug. 7, more than 800 prisoners in Bahrain have been conducting that country’s largest-ever hunger strike, protesting intolerable conditions, including systematic mistreatment, medical neglect and limited visitation. Their actions have inspired street protests led by prisoners’ families, above, calling…

New Syria actions decry conditions, call for ouster of the Assad regime

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

For the first time since the defeat of the mass popular uprising against the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria in 2011, sizable new protests against dire economic conditions and Assad’s dictatorial rule erupted in mid-August and have continued into September…

Defend right to free speech! Protest attacks by Democrats

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
Panelists at New York forum, Aug. 26. From left, John Studer, Socialist Workers Party; Manuel Meléndez Lavandero, Comités de la Resistencia Boricua; Oronde Shakur, African People’s Socialist Party. Inset, Milagros Rivera, Cuba Soldarity Committee in Puerto Rico, participating via video link.

NEW YORK — In several cities around the country the Socialist Workers Party has helped initiate panels hosted by the Militant Labor Forum to bring groups together to speak out in defense of constitutional rights. Regardless of differing points of…

SWP candidates advance program for working class to take political power

Vol. 87/No. 33 - September 4, 2023

Socialist Workers Party candidates and members are discussing the party’s revolutionary program with fellow working people as they campaign door to door, visit union picket lines and join protests against the effects of the capitalist crisis. They’re also getting back…

Oberlin sues insurance companies for refusal to pay college’s legal bill

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023
Working people gather in solidarity with Gibson family at their bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, 2022. Gibsons won lawsuit against Oberlin College for ongoing campaign of race-baiting slanders.

A small family-owned bakery with delicious pastries in Oberlin, Ohio, is in the news again, but not for anything they’ve done. After a six-year battle, the owners of Gibson’s Bakery finally defeated efforts by Oberlin College administrators to destroy them…

Judge orders release of ‘Newburgh 4,’ framed by FBI

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023

NEW YORK — After being arrested in 2009, convicted a year later for a “conspiracy” that didn’t exist, and imprisoned for the last 14 years, three men who are part of a group known as the “Newburgh Four” were granted…