Richter joins locked-out Boeing firefighters’ picket

Vol. 88/No. 22 - June 3, 2024
SWP vice presidential candidate Dennis Richter, left, on Boeing firefighters’ picket May 13.

SEATTLE — Dennis Richter, Rachele Fruit’s running mate as Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice president, joined International Association of Fire Fighters Local I-66 members at their picket line outside Boeing’s factory gates here May 13. Some 125 firefighters at…

International youth meeting in Cuba says ‘No!’ to US embargo

Vol. 87/No. 30 - August 14, 2023
Some 80 delegates from 30 countries expressed solidarity with the Cuban people and their socialist revolution in Havana May 27. They joined a bicycle caravan along the Malecón seafront boulevard protesting Washington’s trade and financial embargo against Cuba

HAVANA — “Your presence here encourages us and reinforces that Cuba is not alone despite so many attempts to isolate us,” Aylín Álvarez García, first secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC), told…

Washington tree farmers take on new government attacks

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023

SEATTLE — Small logging farmers in Washington state are waging a battle with the state Forest Practices Board that controls logging on private land. It involves state regulations enforcing excessively large buffers that the farmers are required to maintain next…

National farmers convention takes up crisis facing toilers on the land

Vol. 87/No. 14 - April 10, 2023
Socialist Workers Party members Ellie García and Joel Britton with farmer Will Scott in Fresno, California. Britton participated in National Farmers Union convention, talked to working farmers about need for a labor party, based on the unions and worker-farmer alliance.

SAN FRANCISCO — Some 475 farmers, ranchers and other members of the National Farmers Union held their 121st Anniversary Convention here March 5-7. The NFU includes capitalist, middle and working farmers. The presentations and discussions reflected the consequences of today’s…

Washington state mushroom workers rally for union

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023
Some 60 Ostrom Mushroom workers and supporters rally at Metropolitan Market in Seattle Nov. 20 to win support for their fight for representation by the United Farm Workers union.

SEATTLE — “We’ve come very far and we are not going to stop. A lot of us want a union,” Joceline Castillo, a worker at Ostrom Mushroom Farms,  told a rally of 60 other mushroom workers and supporters here Nov.…

Northwest woodworkers settle strike against Weyerhaeuser

Vol. 86/No. 42 - November 14, 2022
IAM District W24 strikers, supporters picket at Seattle headquarters of timber giant Weyerhaeuser Sept. 20. Strike by over 1,100 workers won advances in wages and benefits.

RAYMOND, Wash. — Over 1,100 members of International Association of Machinists District W24 struck Weyerhaeuser locations across Oregon and Washington six weeks ago in a fight against increased health care costs and for higher pay. Weyerhaeuser is one of the…

IAM locals strike Weyerhaeuser lumber in Washington, Oregon

Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022

LONGVIEW, Wash. — Over 1,100 lumber workers struck Weyerhaeuser operations in Washington and Oregon Sept. 13. Four International Association of Machinists union locals organize workers at four sawmills, two log export facilities, two log truck operations and seven logging camps.…

Washington mushroom workers fight for better conditions

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022
Workers at the Ostrom Mushroom Farm in Sunnyside, Washington, march June 22 with petitions signed by 200 workers to protest bosses’ threats and harassment on the job.

SUNNYSIDE, Wash. — Workers at Ostrom Mushroom Farm here turned in a petition with signatures of 200 current and former workers June 22 calling on bosses to “provide a workplace free from threats, excessive pressure, harassment, and retaliation.” “We have…

St. Vincent nurses score victory in 10-month strike

Win better conditions for workers and patients
Vol. 86/No. 3 - January 24, 2022
March 6 rally by nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Mass., on eve of strike. Workers won more hiring and control over safety and job conditions, defended strikers’ seniority, jobs.

WORCESTER, Mass. —Nurses organized by the Massachusetts Nurses Association at St. Vincent Hospital struck the Tenet-owned facility here for 10 months. On Jan. 3 they voted 487-9 to ratify a contract that provides for a limit of four patient assignments…

Meeting celebrates political life of SWP supporter Tim Craine

Vol. 85/No. 40 - November 1, 2021
Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party organize production and distribution of Pathfinder books by party leaders and other revolutionary fighters. Above, Tim Craine staffs Pathfinder Press table at New England Booksellers Association trade show in Boston in 2004.

ALBANY, N.Y. — A meeting here celebrated the life and political contributions of Tim Craine, a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party. Craine died Sept. 25 from leukemia at age 77. Fifty people from around the region attended the Oct.…