Albany nurses fight for union contract, against short staffing

Vol. 83/No. 38 - October 21, 2019

ALBANY, N.Y. — “What do we want? Contract! When do we want it? Now!” chanted hundreds of nurses and their supporters outside Albany Medical Center here Sept. 25.  “We nurses love to take care of our patients but, at this…

Albany SWP runs on ‘program that can defend working people’

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019
Abby Tilsner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Albany County Executive, speaks with Christopher Conroy, a truck driver, about party’s program in Waterford, New York, Aug. 24.

ALBANY, N.Y. — “I am running for Albany County Executive for the Socialist Workers Party to put forward a program that can defend working people from the carnage of the crisis-ridden capitalist system and unite the working class in struggle,”…

Troy protest: Prosecute cop who killed Edson Thevenin!

Vol. 83/No. 34 - September 23, 2019
Pastor Tre Stanton speaks at Aug. 22 rally in Troy, New York, demanding firing, prosecution of cop Randall French, who killed Edson Thevenin in 2016. City officials tried to cover up killing.

TROY, New York — Carrying signs and chanting “Justice for Edson” and “Prosecute killer cops,” some 60 people demonstrated Aug. 22 outside a council meeting to protest the city’s cover-up of the cop killing of Edson Thevenin in 2016.  City…

Gov’t to give pork bosses sole power over line speed

Vol. 83/No. 33 - September 9, 2019
Dakota Premium meatpacking workers march and rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, in June 2000 during fight that won a union and workers’ right to monitor line speed in the plant.

The Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service is threatening to eliminate its current limit of slaughtering 1,106 hogs per hour in the nation’s pork packing plants and turn inspection there over to the company bosses. This is an…

Albany forum panel discusses fight against police brutality

Vol. 83/No. 21 - May 27, 2019
Panel at May 4 public meeting against police brutality in Albany, New York, co-sponsored by Militant Labor Forum and Stolen Lives Project. From left, Samantha Hamlin, Juanita Young, Hawa Bah, Beverly Hoggs (speaking), Jacob Perassso (chair) and Messiah James Cooper.

ALBANY, N.Y. — “I will never stop fighting for the rights of my children,” Beverly Hoggs told an audience of 50 people at a public meeting here May 4, co-sponsored by the Militant Labor Forum and the Stolen Lives Project.…

Albany DA drops charges against Ellazar Williams

Vol. 83/No. 3 - January 21, 2019

ALBANY, N.Y. — Opponents of police brutality and cop frame-ups won an important victory here Jan. 9 when Albany County District Attorney David Soares announced he was dropping charges against 19-year-old Ellazar Williams. Williams, who is African-American, was shot in…

Massachusetts nurses protest over staffing levels and health coverage

Vol. 82/No. 18 - May 7, 2018

GREENFIELD, Mass. — Two hundred members of the Massachusetts Nurses Association held a one-day protest strike at Baystate Franklin Medical Center here April 11. At issue is staffing levels and health insurance for nurses, who haven’t had a contract since…