Communist continuity in the fight against anti-Semitism

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023

Since the Tehran-backed Islamist Hamas carried out its organized slaughter Oct. 7, killing over 1,400 Jews, many working people are thinking about why this attack was called a “pogrom.” And they’re seeking to learn more about the bloody history of…

¿Por qué existe Israel?

Israel ha existido como un refugio para los judíos desde hace 75 años. Su existencia se hizo inevitable por tres hechos históricos: la traición por los partidos estalinistas contrarrevolucionarios ante las condiciones propicias para que los trabajadores tomaran el poder…

Why does Israel exist?

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
Jewish women and children being transported to Auschwitz death camp in 1944. Nazi Holocaust murder machine killed over 6 million Jews, two out of three Jews living in Europe.

Israel has existed as a refuge for Jews for 75 years. Its existence was made inevitable by three key historical facts: the betrayal by counterrevolutionary Stalinist parties of ripe prospects for workers to take political power in Europe; the refusal…

Colorado cop convicted in the 2019 killing of Elijah McClain

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
Violinists from around country played at march of thousands in Columbus, Ohio, July 4, 2020, demanding justice for Elijah McClain, killed by cops in Aurora, Colorado, in 2019. Concerts elsewhere honored McClain, inset, who played his violin to soothe animals at local shelters.

More than four years since Elijah McClain died after being brutalized by police in Aurora, Colorado, a jury Oct. 12 unanimously found police officer Randy Roedema guilty of criminally negligent homicide and third-degree assault. He will be sentenced Jan. 5.…

Rallies to demand end to US embargo of Cuba

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023

NEW YORK — Opponents of Washington’s six-decade-long economic war against Cuba will march and rally here Oct. 28 and in other cities worldwide that week. The actions are being organized to draw attention to the Nov. 2-3 U.N. General Assembly…

Cuba arrests group recruiting for Moscow’s war in Ukraine

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

Col. César Rodríguez of Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior announced Sept. 7 the arrest of 17 people who were part of a secret network recruiting young men on the island to join Moscow’s forces in their war on Ukraine. Cuba’s…

Ex-prisoners make gains on right to vote in Mississippi

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023
Federal judges in Mississippi ruled 2-1 Aug. 4 to restore voting rights for former felons. Above, from left, former prisoners Wayne Kuhn, Dennis Hopkins, Byron Coleman and Jon O’Neal at press conference in Jackson, Mississippi, in 2018, demanding their right to vote.

In a victory for working people, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decided Aug. 4, by a 2-1 vote, to end Mississippi’s lifetime ban on the right of ex-felons to vote. The lawsuit under consideration was filed by six…

Finding a job is even harder for former prisoners

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023

A New York Times article in July claimed the “U.S. unemployment rate is hovering near lows unseen since the 1960s” and “everyone who wants a job, has a job.” At the same time, it pointed to one problem: “Ex-Prisoners Face…

Bosses’ profit drive threatens more toxic chemical disasters

Vol. 87/No. 20 - May 22, 2023

Since the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern derailment and controlled burn-off of five tankers that spewed 700,000 pounds of toxic vinyl chloride onto the soil, water and air in East Palestine, Ohio, in February, attention there and around the country has…