Protests across Nicaragua in making for over a decade

Vol. 82/No. 29 - August 6, 2018
Pro-Ortega gang with mortars and other weapons prepares to attack anti-government protest in Managua April 21. Repression has deepened working-class opposition to the government.

Conditions leading to widespread protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega this year have been in the making for more than a decade. It was an explosion of pent-up grievances against what many working people and middle-class layers in…

Fuel hike protests bring down Haiti prime minister

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Demonstration July 8 in Port-au-Prince during week of general strike and protests that forced government to suspend fuel hike.

Haiti’s Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant resigned July 14 after a two-day general strike and a week of protests sparked by the government’s announcement of sharp price hikes for fuel. Demonstrators marched, barricaded roads, looted stores and burned cars and…

Death toll rises as Nicaraguan gov’t continues attacks on protesters

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Movement of Mothers of April lead march on Mother’s Day, May 30, in Managua, Nicaragua, honoring those killed and wounded by government thugs during April demonstration. Banner reads “No more assassinations! No more massacres!” Nearly 300 people have been killed.

The largely working-class and student protests that exploded against the government of President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua in April continue nearly three months later with no sign of abating. Ortega has escalated deadly raids targeting opposition strongholds. Demonstrations against Ortega…

Protests against government attacks spread in Nicaragua

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
Rally at Rotonda Metrocenter in Managua, Nicaragua, May 20, against attacks on pensioners, students and others by government of President Daniel Ortega that have left dozens dead.

MASAYA, Nicaragua — Thousands rallied here and in cities across the country May 19 to demand the resignation of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo. In Managua, workers and middle-class layers gathered in peaceful protests on street corners…

Cuban women leaders speak in NY about revolution’s gains

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

NEW YORK — A March 16 meeting here featured leaders of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and the National Union of Cuban Jurists. The event, which drew more than…

Cuban Revolution involves all, with sight or not

Cinema clubs with audio descriptions expand access to culture for visually impaired
Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

HAVANA — In February I learned about “Tocando la luz” — Touching the light — a cinema club for the visually impaired in Cuba. So, while I was here for the Havana International Book Fair, I went to the Infanta…