Canadian rulers push new laws to further restrict political rights

Vol. 88/No. 22 - June 3, 2024
Under Canadian government’s Emergencies Act, police pepper-sprayed protesting truckers in Ottawa, Feb. 19, 2022. Justin Trudeau administration is advancing new attacks on rights.

MONTREAL — The Canadian government of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has introduced Bills 70 and 63 before Parliament. If adopted, they would deal further blows to the political rights of working people. These attacks are the latest steps taken…

Ottawa’s turn against Israel spurs Jew-hatred in Canada

Vol. 88/No. 16 - April 22, 2024
Over 1,000 people rally at Toronto City Hall April 7 in protest against Jew-hatred, demand Hamas release Oct. 7 hostages. Rally took place amid sharp increase in Jew-hatred in Canada.

MONTREAL — After a daylong debate March 19, the Canadian Parliament adopted a motion approving Ottawa’s shift away from its longstanding support of Israel’s armed forces defending the country from attack. The motion adopted, proposed by the social democratic New…

Attack on Jews at university in Canada pushed back

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024

A proposal for the student government, known as the Alma Mater Society, to organize a referendum at the University of British Columbia to evict the Jewish students’ organization Hillel from campus by cancelling its lease, was rejected Feb. 28. After…

Canada gov’t mounts new attack on political rights

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024
Canadian riot police use pepper spray against truckers, other protesters in Ottawa, Feb. 19, 2022. Despite Emer-gencies Act being recently ruled illegal by federal judge, Justin Trudeau government is pressing new attack on political rights, the Online Harms Act.

MONTREAL — In a major new attack on the right to free speech, Canada’s Liberal Party government has introduced Bill 63 — the Online Harms Act. It is sweeping legislation to strengthen existing “anti-hate laws” and impose government censorship over…

Protests hit firebombings, Jew-hating attacks in Quebec

Vol. 87/No. 44 - November 27, 2023

MONTREAL — “Our community has 250 years of history in Quebec. We are proud, we are Quebecers, we’re not going anywhere. This campaign of terror against us will not succeed,” Eta Yudin, Quebec vice president at the Centre for Israel…

Ontario school board ‘cancels’ 1,000s of books

Vol. 87/No. 38 - October 16, 2023

MONTREAL — In a blatant act of censorship to impose “woke” standards and “cancel culture,” the Peel District School Board, just west of Toronto, had thousands of books removed from its 257 school libraries, especially targeting anything published before 2008. …

Canada wildfires cover North America with huge toxic smog

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023

MONTREAL — In one of the worst wildfire seasons in Canada, over 2,600 forest fires have spread across the country, forcing more than 100,000 people to be evacuated from their homes. Hundreds of homes were destroyed as over 23,000 square…

Communist League: Repeal laws against non-French speakers, immigrant workers

Vol. 87/No. 12 - March 27, 2023

MONTREAL — “Working people and our unions should oppose Premier Francois Legault’s anti-working-class campaign against immigrants. This is now centered on demanding that Ottawa shut down the unofficial Roxham Road crossing between Canada and the U.S. used by thousands of…

Cemetery workers strike over staff cuts, wage raises

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

MONTREAL — Some 40 outside and office workers on strike at Montreal’s Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery held a joint action at the office of the Catholic Archbishop of Montreal here Jan. 26. The Notre Dame Parish runs the cemetery. Patrick Chartrand, a…

Quebec meeting discusses new book, launches CL campaign

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

MONTREAL — Communist League leader Michel Prairie welcomed close to 30 people at a meeting here Feb. 11 to celebrate publication of The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us: The Socialist Workers Party Looks Forward. The new book…