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June 3, 2019

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…returned to their jobs May 20 after a four-day strike. “We got what we needed to go back. In the shop or on the street we will continue to take…

May 27, 2019

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…of the WLB, struck the plants. The workers were forced to strike in order to defend the existence of their unions against the open shop drive instituted by J. P….

May 6, 2019

Join May Day protests for amnesty!

…bigger class battles to come. We saw the potential in the widespread solidarity that workers won on strike at Stop & Shop. The capitalist class takes advantage of competition for…

April 29, 2019

‘Why do workers face so many problems today?’

PITTSBURGH — “Thanks for coming to my door,” Rebecca Krawczak, right, a full-time student who also works full time at a donut shop told Malcolm Jarrett, left, Socialist Workers Party…