Forum: Growing protests advance the fight against Jew-hatred today

Vol. 88/No. 12 - March 25, 2024
From left, Columbia professor Shai Davidai, SWP N.J. senatorial candidate Joanne Kuniansky, chair Willie Cotton, Columbia social work student Ariana Pinsker-Lehrer, and Militant staff writer Seth Galinsky at March 10 Militant Labor Forum, “The fight against Jew-hatred today.”

NEW YORK — Sixty people attended a Militant Labor Forum here March 10 to address “The fight against Jew-hatred today. Defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews.” Speakers included Columbia University Professor Shai Davidai; Seth Galinsky, a…

Join the SWP campaign!

Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, is working-class alternative to both Biden and Trump
Vol. 88/No. 12 - March 25, 2024
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party 2024 candidate for president, center, introduces the party’s program at International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1416 hall in Miami Feb. 25.

The future of humanity depends on building a leadership, a party, that can mobilize the working class in our millions to take state power away from the capitalist rulers and place it into our own hands, to start down the…

Join fight against Jew-hatred! SWP: Working-class alternative to Biden-Trump

SWP presidential campaign launched at Oakland meeting
Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024
Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Rachele Fruit presents party’s program. Left, Laura Garza, SWP candidate for Senate, Margaret Trowe, SWP candidate for vice president.

OAKLAND, Calif. — The launching of the 2024 Socialist Workers Party campaign in California was greeted with enthusiasm at a packed hall here when Rachele Fruit, the party’s candidate for president, and vice presidential candidate Margaret Trowe spoke March 2.…

UN admits Oct. 7 pogrom by Hamas included rape, torture

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024

It took five long months, but the United Nations office that supposedly fights against “conflict-related sexual violence” finally issued a report March 4 that admits there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that rape and gang rape by Hamas forces was…

Mass march in San Francisco protests rise of anti-Semitism

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024
March 3 demonstration in San Francisco protesting rise in acts of Jew-hatred in the Bay Area

SAN FRANCISCO — Braving intermittent downpours, thousands turned out March 3 for the “Unity Against Antisemitism” march and rally in San Francisco. It was a strong, confident answer to the surge of Jew-hating actions in California in recent weeks. The…

Forum in New Jersey takes up Ukraine fight for sovereignty

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024
Tens of thousands at Alexei Navalny’s March 1 funeral in Moscow march to cemetery, chant “No to war!” and “Russia will be free!” It was the largest protest against the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin since he launched his invasion of Ukraine two years ago

UNION CITY, N.J. — “Look at the pictures of tens of thousands of people chanting slogans at the funeral for Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny,” John Studer, editor of the Militant, told a Militant Labor Forum here March 2. That’s…

New protests against Hamas as Israeli forces make progress

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Rafah, Gaza, protest against skyrocketing prices Feb. 28. Hamas steals part of the humanitarian aid, sells some of it at a huge profit, while civilians suffer impact of the war Hamas provoked.

An Israeli victory over Hamas — a group financed, organized and armed by Tehran that exists to kill Jews and drive them out of the Middle East — will be a blow to reactionary forces that promote Jew-hatred across the…