New protests against Hamas as Israeli forces make progress

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Rafah, Gaza, protest against skyrocketing prices Feb. 28. Hamas steals part of the humanitarian aid, sells some of it at a huge profit, while civilians suffer impact of the war Hamas provoked.

An Israeli victory over Hamas — a group financed, organized and armed by Tehran that exists to kill Jews and drive them out of the Middle East — will be a blow to reactionary forces that promote Jew-hatred across the…

Workers face crush of price rises as bosses boost profits

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024

In spite of falling prices overall, and claims by the president’s backers in 2024 that “Bidenomics” is a smashing success, working people continue to be hammered by high prices for groceries and other necessities. This occurs as a current uptick…

Socialist Workers Party joins actions demanding Moscow out of Ukraine!

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Socialist Workers Party vice presidential candidate Margaret Trowe joined car caravan in San Francisco Feb. 24 backing Ukraine’s independence fight against Moscow’s invasion. Inset, Trowe addresses the rally.

Campaign supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Canada, Australia and the U.K. built and joined the tens of thousands worldwide who marched and rallied to protest Moscow’s war on Ukraine Feb. 24, marking the second…

Pathfinder books win widespread interest at Havana Int’l Book Fair

Vol. 88/No. 10 - March 11, 2024
Visitors crowd into central bookstore for Cuban publishers at Havana International Book Fair Feb. 24. Foreign and other Cuban publishers had stalls elsewhere around the book fair grounds.

HAVANA — The Pathfinder stand at the Havana International Book Fair was a center for nonstop discussion, as it has been for a quarter century. Hundreds of people came looking for books about the crisis-wracked capitalist world today, the history…

Navalny killed in Russian prison, opposition grows to Ukraine war

Vol. 88/No. 9 - March 4, 2024
Memorial at Russian Embassy in Berlin, Feb. 18. Banner by Pussy Riot members denounces Kremlin murderers. Two days earlier, Russian authorities announced that Alexei Navalny, prominent critic of Putin regime, war in Ukraine, died in Russian gulag prison. Inset, Marina Ovsyannikova, who was fired for protesting March 2022 on live Russian TV against Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, holds sign at Berlin gathering quoting Navalny, “Don’t give up.”

The Russian government informed Alexei Navalny’s family Feb. 16 that he had died in prison. Navalny, a well-known critic of the government in Moscow, had been incarcerated in one of Russia’s harsh prison colonies in the Arctic Circle. The announcement…

Israeli gov’t gives Hamas an ultimatum: Free hostages!

Defend Israel as a refuge for Jews! Fight Jew-hatred!
Vol. 88/No. 9 - March 4, 2024
Palestinians take flour from aid truck in Gaza City Feb. 19, a few days after Hamas cops shot and killed youth in Rafah when he took an aid package, sparking protests against thug group.

The Israeli government gave Hamas leaders a deadline of Ramadan in early March to release all the roughly 100 hostages it still holds captive. Otherwise, it said, the Israel Defense Forces will launch a major offensive on Rafah, on the…