Mass marches, work protests say: Belarus despot out now

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020
Weekly mass protests continue in Minsk Sept. 20, above, and all across Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in secret three days later, after stealing Aug. 9 elections.

Mass protests across Belarus and workers’ work-to-rule slowdowns are keeping pressure on President Alexander Lukashenko to step down since he claimed victory in rigged elections Aug 9. Demonstrators have taken to the streets for weeks demanding he hold new elections…

‘Workers can fight to change our conditions,’ say SWP candidates

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020
Amanda Allen, right, talks with SWP candidates Alyson Kennedy for president and Malcolm Jarrett for vice president in Forney, Texas, Sept. 17. Allen decided to join them in campaigning.

DALLAS — “I believe what the Socialist Workers Party candidates stand for, over what we have now,” nurse Amanda Allen told SWP candidates Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, running for president and vice president, in Forney, a small town east…

Dominion grocery workers strike to overturn wage cuts, shorter hours

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020

MONTREAL — Standing strong on picket lines across Newfoundland, 1,400 Dominion grocery store workers are now into the second month of their strike for higher wages and the reinstatement of 60 full-time jobs bosses eliminated last year. Part-time workers at…

What do the new accords in the Mideast mean for working people?

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020

Three years ago Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes released a statement pointing to the “necessity for the Israeli and Arab governments and leaderships of Palestinian organizations to begin immediate talks to recognize both Israel and an independent Palestinian…

Mass protests, labor actions say down with Belarus gov’t

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Over 100,000 people rally in Minsk, Belarus capital, Sept. 13 demanding President Lukashenko, who falsely claims he won Aug. 9 elections, resign to make way for “free and fair elections.”

Well over 100,000 people flooded the Belarusian capital Minsk demanding the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko Sept. 13, the fifth massive Sunday protest in a row. Simultaneous protests took place in 16 other cities. Ever since Lukashenko blatantly falsified the…

Join the fight to overturn Florida’s ban on the ‘Militant’ in state prisons

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Join fight to overturn suppression of Militant in Florida prisons. Above, some letters sent so far.

Florida prison officials have banned four recent issues of the Militant, preventing them from reaching dozens of subscribers behind bars there. They claim each issue contains an article that is “dangerously inflammatory” and “advocates or encourages riot insurrection, rebellion, organized…

Workers need a union in every workplace!

Jobs crisis is biggest threat facing working people today
Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020

More workers face rising hardship and uncertainty about the future today as high unemployment persists. The capitalist governments on all levels — federal, state and local — have taken few steps to alleviate, much less reverse, these conditions. The Socialist…

Solidarity with Dominion grocery workers in Canada!

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Teamsters fighting for first contract picket DSI Tunneling in Louisville, Ky., Sept. 10 with IBEW Local 369 members who brought gift cards to help strikers. Solidarity is key to building unions.

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued this statement Sept. 15. The strike being waged by retail workers at Dominion stores in Newfoundland, Canada, members of the Unifor union, against cuts in wages and full-time jobs is in…

SWP: Join the fight to defend jobs, wages, safety

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020
Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy speaks to Alexis Santiago Avila, at Farmer John packinghouse in Los Angeles Sept. 14. “People want their voices to be heard,” he said of demonstrations against cop brutality, but “violence in the protests is a problem.”

LOS ANGELES — How can we change worsening working conditions, combat cuts to our hours and deal with rising prices? These questions were at the center of discussions among meatpackers, retail workers and farmworkers when they met the Socialist Workers…