Atlanta cop charged with felony murder

Rayshard Brooks killed with 2 shots in the back
Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
June 15 Atlanta march organized by NAACP. Protests continue across the U.S., worldwide.

ATLANTA — “When I heard the news about the killing last night, I decided it was time to stand up,” 18-year-old James Teasley told the Militant in Atlanta June 13, as he joined his first demonstration. Protests erupted throughout the…

Workers fight bosses, gov’t attacks as crisis unfolds

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020

Important vanguard struggles are taking place around the world by workers fighting against efforts by the bosses to expand production and profits on our backs. From strikes by fruit packers in the Yakima Valley in Washington state, to textile workers…

Young people grab ‘Militant,’ books as they join in protests

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
SWP congressional candidate Willie Cotton, left, and SWP member Tamar Rosenfeld, wearing sign, talk with other participants at New York police brutality protest June 7. “There’s a thirst for books about Black struggle, women’s emancipation, revolutionary history,” Cotton said.

“I want that book,” the young man pointing to Women’s Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle told Socialist Workers Party campaigner Tamar Rosenfeld at the party’s literature table during one of the many protests against police brutality in New York…

Cuba’s revolution is an example for working people everywhere

Vol. 84/No. 25 - June 29, 2020
One million strong rally at Havana Presidential Palace, Jan. 21, 1959, demonstrates in support of revolution with Fidel Castro, facing camera on right. In course of revolution, workers and farmers in Cuba transformed themselves, taking control of their country and their destiny.

The Cuban Revolution — a historic victory won in struggle by the workers and farmers of Cuba in 1959 and defended for more than six decades — is a striking alternative to the dog-eat-dog, “look out for number one” morality…

Worldwide protests say, ‘End police brutality!’

Workers, youth march in cities, towns, rural areas across US
Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Old Bridge, New Jersey, June 4, one of hundreds — perhaps thousands — of protests that have exploded in small towns across U.S. after Minneapolis cops brutally killed George Floyd.

More than two weeks after Minneapolis cops brutally killed George Floyd, protests on an unprecedented scale continue to sweep the world. From big cities to rural towns in the U.S. and elsewhere, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have joined…

Cops and their violence are an essential part of capitalist rule

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement June 9. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. The explosion of demonstrations against the Minneapolis cop killing of George Floyd that have swept the…

French auto workers strike over Renault plant closures

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Renault workers lead 1,000 autoworkers and their supporters in June 6 march to plant that bosses say they want to shutter. Lead banner says, “No to the closing of the Renault-Choisy factory after 70 years of existence.” Workers chanted, “We won’t move! Renault-Choisy is ours!”

Facing plant closings by the bosses at Renault, autoworkers in France are organizing strikes and protest rallies against company plans to eliminate 4,600 jobs nationwide. These actions have forced the company to back off  from some of the plant closings…

Workers fight boss attacks on jobs, pay, work conditions

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020

From airlines to auto plants, oil companies to food packing, bosses around the world are pushing to crank up production as governments lift onerous lockdowns, opening the door for the employers to ratchet up cutthroat capitalist competition for markets and…