Join effort to get Indiana prison officials to end ban on ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 4 - February 3, 2020

As word has gotten out about the Militant’s appeal filed against prison authorities at Indiana’s Pendleton Correctional Facility banning subscriber Kevin “Rashid” Johnson from getting several issues of the paper, letters of protest have been sent to the Indiana Department…

Trump runs on ‘peace, prosperity’ as Democrats fold on impeachment

Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020

The Democrats’ attempt to drag out their impeachment of President Donald Trump came apart Jan. 10, with House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi announcing she will name the Democrats’ “prosecutors” and send the two articles of impeachment to the Senate this…

Support copper miners strike against Asarco union busting!

Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020

Workers on strike against copper giant Asarco marked day 90 of their strike Jan. 11 with an expanded picket line at the Mission Mine in Sahuarita, Arizona. They are organizing more public actions to win support for their fight against…

Protests spread as Iran rulers admit they lied, shot down plane

Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020

Thousands of working people, students and others joined protests in at least a dozen cities across Iran as outrage mounted over the government’s attempted cover-up of their missile attack that brought down a Ukrainian passenger aircraft in which all 176…

Ky. miners block coal train in fight over unpaid wages

‘Somebody’s got to take a stand,’ miners say
Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020
Coal miner Dustin Maynard, right, talks to press at miners’ blockade of rail tracks outside Quest mine in Kimper, Kentucky, Jan. 14. Protest builds on earlier action at Blackjewel mine.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A dozen Quest Energy coal miners and their families began blocking the railroad tracks near Kimper, Kentucky, Jan. 13 to protest the fact they haven’t been paid. They pledge to stay there until Quest, a subsidiary of…

‘Militant’ files appeal against paper’s ban in Indiana prison

Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020

The Militant is challenging the impoundment of several issues of the paper from subscriber Kevin “Rashid” Johnson at Indiana’s Pendleton Correctional Facility. A letter Johnson sent was received by the Militant Jan. 2, along with copies of prison officials’ “Notice…

‘Organize solidarity with protests by workers and youth across Iran’

Vol. 84/No. 3 - January 27, 2020
Protest in Tehran Jan. 13, in rebirth of nationwide popular mobilizations against Iranian regime’s interventions in the region and economic crisis bearing down on working people.

Socialist Workers Party candidates are urging working people in the U.S. to organize actions in solidarity with the struggles of fellow working people in Iran. Thousands have protested there this week, angered at the Iranian government’s cover-up of its Revolutionary…

US hands off Iran, Iraq! Get out of the Mideast!

‘For immediate withdrawal of US troops from Mideast’
Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Jan. 4 Chicago protest, one of over 70 in U.S. demanding Washington get out of Middle East.

The following corrected statement was issued Jan. 10 by Naomi Craine, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Illinois. The Socialist Workers Party condemns Washington’s military action killing Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani; Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a leader of the…