Fight against Jew-hatred!

Defend Israel’s right to exist, defend itself
Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
Rally outside U.N. headquarters in New York City Dec. 12 demanding release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza Strip. Over 240 people were kidnapped as Islamist terrorists murdered 1,200 in Israel Oct. 7, the largest single-day massacre of Jews since Holocaust.

In a Jan. 19 phone call, President Joseph Biden pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to wind down Israel’s military offensive against Tehran-backed Hamas in Gaza. Biden insists Israel agree to withdraw all its troops from Gaza in exchange for…

World politics shifting since Oct. 7 pogrom

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
Volunteer rescue workers carry survivor from building hit by Russian rocket attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, Jan. 2. Invasion of Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February 2022 shook imperialist world “order,” accelerating war preparations by capitalist powers worldwide.

Alongside Moscow’s murderous invasion of Ukraine, Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre of Jews in Israel — backed and promoted by the rulers in Iran — marked a watershed in world politics. The subsequent acceleration of military conflicts in the Middle East…

Life of Elmore Nickleberry set an example for all workers

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
Workers protesting during historic 1968 sanitation strike in Memphis, Tennessee. Inset, Elmore Nickleberry, one of the strikers, who died Dec. 30.

Elmore Nickleberry, one of the last survivors of the 1968 sanitation workers strike in Memphis, Tennessee, died Dec. 30 at the age of 92. The 1,300 workers walked off the job in February 1968, protesting inhuman and discriminatory treatment by…

Canada court rules gov’t use of Emergency Act was illegal

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024

MONTREAL — In a victory for hundreds of truckers who demonstrated two years ago in Ottawa and other cities as part of the Freedom Convoy, a federal judge ruled Jan. 23 that the Canadian government’s invocation of the notorious Emergencies…

New York meeting celebrates Cuba’s socialist revolution

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
Yuri Gala López, left, Cuba’s ambassador to the United Nations, and Socialist Workers Party National Committee member Steve Clark spoke at Jan. 21 celebration of 65th anniversary of Cuban Revolution, hosted by Socialist Workers Party branches from New York and New Jersey.

NEW YORK — “We have had to face many challenges and adversities to get here, but it has been worth it,” Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Yuri A. Gala López said at a Jan. 21 meeting here to celebrate…

Moscow threatens to crush Ukraine, Ukrainian people

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024

It has been nearly two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime launched its invasion of Ukraine, hoping to seize Kyiv, kill the elected leadership and take control over the country within a few days. But working people of Ukraine,…

SWP campaign: Support union struggles, fight antisemitism

Vol. 88/No. 5 - February 5, 2024
At Atlanta Martin Luther King Day rally Jan. 15, Zoey Johnson, left, bought a Militant after discussion with Lisa Potash, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress, about need to fight Jew-hatred.

The Socialist Workers Party 2024 campaigns are being launched across the country and are getting attention. A Jan. 15 press release announcing the party was running Joanne Kuniansky for U.S. Senate from New Jersey and Lea Sherman for U.S. Congress…

As immigration spikes, workers look to unify the working class

Vol. 88/No. 4 - January 29, 2024
Farmworkers harvesting onions near Alamo, Texas. The SWP calls for amnesty for all workers living in the U.S. regardless of where they come from. Overcoming the divisions between immigrant and native-born workers is essential to beating back attacks by the bosses.

FORT WORTH, Texas — Over 300,000 immigrants crossed the southwest border of the U.S. last month, the highest number ever recorded. In one week in December some 12,000 migrants crossed the Texas border with Mexico at Eagle Pass.   Last…