SWP campaign in Oakland joins protests against attacks on Israel

Vol. 88/No. 3 - January 22, 2024
Margaret Trowe, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress in California’s District 12, speaks against San Leandro City Council motion for an Israeli cease-fire, which would only strengthen Hamas.

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — The Socialist Workers Party campaign joined other supporters of Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews to speak out against Jew-hatred at City Council debates here and in Alameda Jan. 2. This author is…

Fight attacks on political rights! Defend Trump’s right to ballot

Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024

Without even a court hearing, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows threw Donald Trump off the presidential ballot Dec. 28, following a similar ruling by Colorado’s Supreme Court. Both decisions were based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, adopted…

Defend Israel’s right to exist! Join fight against Jew-hatred

Defeating Hamas opens door to unite Jews, Arabs
Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024
Filipino migrant workers in Israel volunteer to help bring in the crops after Oct. 7 pogrom. Hamas had killed not just Jews, but Filipinos, Thais and Arab Israelis who worked with Jews.

Israeli forces continue making gains against the Tehran-sponsored Hamas terror organization in Gaza. These advances are increasing openings to bring together Jewish, Arab and other workers in Israel and the Middle East in common struggle. Israeli forces, with the backing…

Quebec public worker strikes make advances

Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024
Striking teachers march in Montreal Dec. 12. Banner reads, “Aiming higher for teachers and public schools.” Almost 600,000 public sector workers have walked picket lines across Quebec, often at the same time, forcing the government to offer tentative settlements Dec. 28.

MONTREAL — Under the pressure of a lively five-week strike by 66,000 primary and secondary school teachers — members of the Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE) — and the threat of a strike in early 2024 by the Common Front…

Back battle for Ukraine national independence

Vol. 88/No. 2 - January 15, 2024

President Vladimir Putin’s regime in Moscow has stepped up its murderous rain of airstrikes against heavily populated areas of Ukraine. But working people there are determined to defeat his invasion and defend their independence. In recent months hundreds have protested…

Defend Israel’s right to exist! Fighting Jew-hatred is union question

Israel battles to stop new Hamas pogroms
Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024
Soldados israelíes en túnel en norte de Gaza, 15 de dic., parte de la extensa red subterránea que Hamás usa para realizar ataques contra judíos en Israel como el pogromo del 7 de octubre.

The U.S. government is ratcheting up pressure on Israel to wind down its war against Tehran-backed Hamas in Gaza, a war aimed at defending Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews and preventing the reactionary Islamist outfit from…

Unionists discuss fight against anti-Semitism

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024
Guardia de Defensa Sindical, iniciada por el Local 544 de Teamsters en Minneapolis en 1938, defendió las líneas de piquetes y combatió antisemitismo expulsando a organización fascista.

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — The Oct. 7 massacre of more than 1,200 men, women and children in Israel by death squads organized by Hamas, the Tehran-backed Islamist terror outfit that rules Gaza, was a turning point in the class struggle. …

Biden says all is swell, but workers face a different reality

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024

The Joseph Biden administration and his boosters in the liberal media are churning out propaganda claiming prospects for the U.S. capitalist economy have never looked better. They say inflation has been lowered to “acceptable” levels, full employment abounds and the…