Rally protests attacks on abortion rights in Kentucky

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019
Amy Husk, SWP candidate for Kentucky governor, left, and supporter Jacquie Henderson, right, talk with Planned Parenthood interns Ruby Lestrange, center, and Kerrigan Young at Feb. 7 protest in Frankfort against government attacks on women’s right to choose abortion.

FRANKFORT, Ky. — More than 100 protesters gathered at the state Capitol here Feb. 7 to demonstrate in defense of a woman’s right to choose abortion.  They were speaking out in opposition to a bill in the state legislature that…

Baghdad book fair organizers: ‘We won’t be stopped by terror’

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019
Thousands flocked to International Book Fair in Baghdad in February. At left is photo of Alaa Mashzoub, well-known Iraqi novelist who was murdered just days before start of book fair.

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Thousands of people here are flocking to the 46th Baghdad International Book Fair, which began Feb. 7, seeking out Iraqi and world literature, and books on everything from science and technology, languages and art, to religion, history,…

Political crisis in Venezuela deepens – US hands off!

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

Violating Venezuelan sovereignty, the U.S. rulers — with bipartisan support and backing from their allies in Europe, Canada and some Latin American countries — are making progress in pressing for the collapse of the government headed by Venezuelan President Nicolás…

Protests win heat back at federal jail in Brooklyn

Prisoners held days with no heat, light, hot water
Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019
Family members of prisoners and supporters protest outside U.S. prison in Brooklyn Feb. 2.

NEW YORK — Hundreds of demonstrators rallied outside the federal Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, chanting, “Move them out!” as prisoners pounded on cell windows Feb. 1-3. They were protesting the loss of heat and light inside the prison in…

Democrats’ 2020 campaign takes aim at workers’ rights

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

The minute the 2018 midterm elections wound down, the 2020 presidential election campaign — as well as contests for state and city offices in 2019 — got going full speed. As one Democratic aspirant after another throws their hat in…

Washington, Beijing rulers vie over trade, telecommunications markets

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

Negotiations in Washington between senior officials of the U.S. and Chinese governments over the tariff duel between the two ruling classes ended inconclusively Jan. 31. Two days before the talks U.S. authorities indicted Chinese tech giant Huawei over corporate espionage…

Chicago, DC meetings celebrate 60 years of Cuba’s revolution

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Miguel Fraga, first secretary of the Embassy of Cuba, speaks at Jan. 18 Washington, D.C., event to celebrate 60th anniversary of Cuban Revolution. Panel included Omari Musa, left, from sponsoring DC Metro Coalition and leader of Socialist Workers Party; Luis Rumbaut, right, Antonio Maceo Brigade; and Cheryl LaBash, co-chair of National Network on Cuba.

Over 60 people attended a meeting to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution in Chicago Jan. 26 and to discuss building the April 21-May 5 May Day International Volunteer Work Brigade in Solidarity with Cuba. Six people signed…