Derailment at CSX, toxic fire create crisis in Kentucky town

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024

LIVINGSTON, Ky. — “The smoke was so thick you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face,” said Andrea Johnson. “I’ve had migraines, sores in my nose and throat, and stomach pain.”  Johnson and other workers who live in…

SWP expands reach of ‘Militant,’ supports today’s union struggles

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024
John Hawkins, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio, brings solidarity, the Militant to picket line of striking DHL workers in Hebron, Kentucky, Dec. 8.

Members of the Socialist Workers Party in the U.S. and the Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the U.K. are discussing the fight against Jew-hatred, building support for today’s union struggles and presenting a revolutionary working-class program to workers on…

Support struggle of the Ukrainian people to defend their independence

Vol. 88/No. 1 - January 1, 2024
Protest by soldiers’ mothers and wives in Novosibirsk, Russia, Nov. 19. Sign says, “I am disabled, return my son, there is no one else to look after me.”

At his end-of-year press conference Dec. 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the aims of his invasion of Ukraine “have not changed” despite the fierce resistance his forces continue to face. Working people in Ukraine are determined to defend…

SWP campaigns widely, advancing a road forward for the working class

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023
Alyson Kennedy, left, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas, spoke with editor Fatimah Azeem of the Mercury, student paper at University of Texas at Dallas, Dec. 8

Members and candidates of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Canada, Australia and the U.K. are joining in discussions about the danger of Jew-hatred, the importance of Israel as a refuge for Jews, the struggle of the…

Defense of constitutional freedoms crucial for the working class today

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023

As President Joseph Biden’s reelection bid flounders, the heart of the Democratic Party’s 2024 campaign is to use the courts to stop Donald Trump’s campaign. Their legal tactics run from lawsuits aimed at ruling him off the ballot for “insurrection”…

Nearly half of Israel’s Jews trace their roots to Arab countries

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023
Yemeni Jews arrive at Lod Airport in 1950 after fleeing Yemen due to anti-Jewish persecution.

A recently published book — Sephardi Voices: The Untold Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands, by Henry Green and Richard Stursberg — addresses a seldom-discussed history. Green touched on this in a public meeting in Miami Dec. 3, titled “Voices…

Families of Putin’s troops: ‘Bring our boys home!’

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023
Protest in Moscow Nov. 7 demanding troops stationed in Ukraine for over a year be rotated home. It was called by The Way Home, a group of soldiers’ mothers and wives. Relatives held placards reading, “The mobilized are not robots. They need replacement,” and “Give the children back their fathers.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin tries to disguise his attempt to conquer Ukraine and its people as a war to defend “Mother Russia” from threats by Washington and NATO. In fact his goal is to reestablish the Russian Empire, denying Ukraine…

600,000 public workers go on strike against Quebec gov’t

Vol. 87/No. 48 - December 25, 2023

MONTREAL — The Quebec government is on a collision course with some 600,000 union teachers, education support workers, nurses and health care workers, social workers and other public workers, as well as the vast majority of working people who support…

Support Israel’s fight to exist as a refuge for Jews

Fight against Jew-hatred!
Vol. 87/No. 47 - December 18, 2023
Israeli troops in Gaza found huge stockpile of rockets, weapons, inset, near school and hospital Dec. 6. Hamas terror group deliberately hides and fires missiles into Israel from working-class areas. Their goal is to maximize civilian casualties among Palestinians from Israeli return fire in order to win international sympathy.

Israel’s efforts to dismantle Hamas’ capacity to wage wars on Jews resumed in Gaza Dec. 1, after the reactionary group reneged on its agreement to release all the women and children it seized during the Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel.…