1,000s of workers protest for gov’t-funded pensions

‘Our lives are worth more than a pound of coal’
Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Miners, Teamsters, bakery workers, others protest pension cuts July 12 at Ohio Statehouse.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thousands of union members — coal miners, Teamsters, bakery workers and more — and their supporters rallied at the state Capitol here July 12 against any cuts in their pensions. Members of the United Mine Workers, a…

Liberals’ furor against Trump fuels voice of the ‘war party’

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018

President Donald Trump’s efforts to advance the U.S. capitalist rulers’ interests in relation to their competitors — in Asia, Europe and the Middle East — have drawn a hysterical furor from the liberal media bosses, Democrats, some Republicans and the…

‘Militant’ beats back prison censorship in Florida – again

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018

The Militant has won another round against the seemingly unrelenting efforts of Florida prison officials to censor the paper and prevent it from reaching workers behind bars there. After the Militant appealed, the statewide Literature Review Committee of the Department of Corrections…

Ontario salt miners push back boss attacks in 12-week strike

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Striking salt miners discuss progress in negotiations on picket line in front of Compass Minerals salt mine in Goderich, Ontario, July 13, before new contract was won in militant strike.

GODERICH, Ontario — Striking salt miners returned to work here July 18 following their approval of a new contract two days earlier. Compass Minerals’ bosses were forced to the bargaining table following determined mass actions by the strikers with the…

Death toll rises as Nicaraguan gov’t continues attacks on protesters

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018
Movement of Mothers of April lead march on Mother’s Day, May 30, in Managua, Nicaragua, honoring those killed and wounded by government thugs during April demonstration. Banner reads “No more assassinations! No more massacres!” Nearly 300 people have been killed.

The largely working-class and student protests that exploded against the government of President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua in April continue nearly three months later with no sign of abating. Ortega has escalated deadly raids targeting opposition strongholds. Demonstrations against Ortega…

DSA victory in NY primary deepens crisis of rulers’ parties

Vol. 82/No. 28 - July 30, 2018

The election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York’s 14th Congressional District primary is another sign of the sharpening rifts in the Democratic Party that were exposed in the course of the campaign bringing Donald Trump to the presidency. In fact,…

Pittsburgh protests continue in fight to convict cop who shot Antwon Rose

Vol. 82/No. 27 - July 23, 2018

Protests against the killing of 17-year-old African-American high school student Antwon Rose by East Pittsburgh cop Michael Rosfeld have continued since he was shot in the back June 19. Rosfeld was arrested and charged with criminal homicide, which could result…

Unions rally in fight for gov’t-funded pensions

All workers need pensions at union-scale pay
Vol. 82/No. 27 - July 23, 2018
United Mine Workers rally, Lexington, Kentucky, June 2016, protests cuts to pensions, health care.

Car caravans and busloads of active and retired union members from across the Midwest and beyond are gathering in their thousands at the Ohio state Capitol in Columbus July 12. They’re demanding that the government fund the pensions for hundreds…

SWP: Get US rulers’ troops, planes, bombs out of Korea!

Vol. 82/No. 27 - July 23, 2018
South Korean soldiers at “demilitarized” zone separating divided Korea. Washington and Moscow partitioned country in 1945. Steps to reduce war threats are good for working people.

Negotiations toward implementing the declaration signed by President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at their June 12 summit in Singapore on denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula are proceeding. This is despite public jockeying and a shrill…