Uptick spurs jobs, picks up confidence of working class

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

There’s an uptick in the capitalist economy, more jobs are open, and that’s giving workers more confidence. If you have options, can look for higher-paying work, and don’t have to worry every working hour how to make ends meet, you’re…

UK meeting learns about revolution in Burkina Faso

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

LONDON — Some 200 people, mainly students, packed the Khalili lecture hall at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies March 6. They had come to hear a panel presentation on “Sankara: World Bank & CFA Franc — the…

As White House, NKorea agree to talk, US rulers keep up squeeze

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

When South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong visited the White House March 8 to talk to U.S. officials about his meeting a few days earlier with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump asked him to come…

Washington pushes back against Beijing rulers’ challenge in Africa

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018
Chinese-owned Huajian shoe factory in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Inset, banner over the factory.

Sharpening competition between Washington and Beijing marked the five-nation African tour begun by then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson March 7. He had to break off his visit when he was dismissed by President Donald Trump six days later. The…

Inspired by W.Va. victory workers organize to fight

Victory of W.Va. teachers builds labor movement
Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018
Teachers protest government attacks March 12 at state Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky.

BOONE COUNTY, W.Va. — The March 6 victory in the strike of teachers and all school workers in West Virginia came out of a powerful social movement, where union members took ownership of their struggle and won solidarity from coal…

West Virginia school workers win strike!

Unity, solidarity show power of working class
Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018
Woodsdale Elementary teachers, Wheeling, West Virginia, celebrate strike victory March 6.

PUTNAM COUNTY, W.Va. — “I think this will start a movement across the country of working people rising up,” Phillip Eastep, a steelworker in Huntington, told Socialist Workers Party members when we joined him picketing with school bus workers outside…

Washington, Pyongyang move toward nuclear talks

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

“The North Korean side clearly stated its willingness to denuclearize,” South Korean government officials said after meeting with Kim Jong Un, central leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, March 6. “It made it clear that it would have…

As Syrian rulers devastate Ghouta, US rulers aim to hold on in Syria

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

The Bashar al-Assad regime is stepping up its murderous air and ground assault on the heavily populated eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus. The dictatorial regime has laid siege to the 400,000 people there for five years, creating shortages of food…

‘Cuban Revolution opened road for people to think for themselves’

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018
Griselda Aguilera, left at age 7 in 1961, hands literacy certificate to worker she taught to read and write. Aguilera spoke about literacy campaign and Cuban Revolution to hundreds on college campuses, churches and union halls during recent U.S. tour.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — “Our revolution opened the road for people to advance, to think for themselves, to have access to more information,” Cuban revolutionary Griselda Aguilera told some 30 students, professors and others at a Feb. 19 meeting at the…