Revolution’s 1961 literacy drive ‘changed Cuban society’

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

HARTFORD, Conn. — Cuban revolutionary Griselda Aguilera began an eight-state and District of Columbia tour Jan. 30 with a dinner and program at a Puerto Rican restaurant in Holyoke, Massachusetts. When she was 7 years old, Aguilera was the youngest…

US rulers tell Puerto Rico: Squeeze working people to pay off bonds!

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

Hundreds of thousands of workers and farmers in Puerto Rico are still without electricity five months after Hurricane Maria. Damaged schools remain unrepaired across the island. Tens of thousands of homes have no roofs. And thousands of jobs have evaporated.…

Nassar conviction gain for women, judge’s conduct undercuts rights

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

The exposure of the extent of sexual abuse by sports doctor Lawrence Nassar, who worked for the U.S.A. Gymnastics team, the United States Olympic Committee, Michigan State University, Karolyi ranch and other sports training centers, has drawn international attention and…

Kurds mobilize to fight against Turkish assault

Protests spread against invasion of Afrin
Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018
Jan. 25 protest and funeral in Afrin for civilians and combatants killed by Turkish bombardment and ground attack on the Kurdish-controlled region in northwestern Syria.

The Turkish rulers invasion and war against the Kurdish people and their allies in Syria’s Afrin province is meeting determined resistance and making little military progress so far. Ankara’s continuous air and artillery bombardment has killed over 100 civilians and…

What’s behind working-class uprising, discontent in Iran

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018
Two weeks of working-class protests began in Mashhad, Iran, above, and spread to 90 other cities and towns, ignited by opposition to cleric-led regime’s reactionary wars abroad.

The mounting toll on working people from the wars being waged throughout the Middle East by Iran’s capitalist class was the catalyst for the working-class uprising that swept 90 cities and towns across the country starting Dec. 28 for a…

Fight for voting rights of former prisoners makes gains in Florida

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

Supporters of political rights in Florida have gathered more than 766,000 signatures to put an amendment to the state constitution granting voting rights to over 1.5 million people who had been convicted of felonies on the ballot this November. Floridians…

President Trump pushes US bosses’ political interests at Davos confab

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

“I’m here to deliver a simple message,” President Donald Trump told participants in the World Economic Forum Jan. 26. “Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, your investments to the United States.” “America first does not…

Kurds fight Turkish rulers invasion of Afrin in Syria

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018
Thousands in Qamishli, Kurdish area of Syria, protest Jan. 30 against Turkish war on Afrin.

The capitalist rulers in Turkey continue their punishing bombardment and ground invasion against the Kurdish region of Afrin in northwest Syria. As the seven-year-long Syrian civil war grinds on, the ruling classes in the U.S., Russia, Iran and other capitalist…

Joint Olympics team is an advance for Korean people

Socialist Workers Party says ‘Korea is one!’
Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018
South Korean hockey players give bouquets to North Korean players Jan. 25 at Jincheon, South Korea, sports complex. This is first joint team between North and South Korea since 1991.

For the first time in 27 years, North and South Korea are fielding a joint team at an international sports event. Athletes from the two Koreas will also march together under a “unification flag” at the Feb. 9 opening ceremony…

US rulers debate deal on Dreamers, immigrants

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

In his State of the Union speech Jan. 30, President Donald Trump called on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that would more than double the number of “dreamers” protected from deportation and open the door for them to gain citizenship.…