Chicago union takes solidarity to Tennessee BCTGM strike

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Seven members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 1 from Chicago drove here Nov. 3 to reinforce fellow BCTGM Local 390G members on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances. Almost 200 union members walked…

Working people face blows from today’s unfolding crisis of capitalism

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

The Biden administration and its boosters in the liberal capitalist media keep trying to puff up the U.S. economy as improving, thanks to “Bidenomics.” They point to some official government statistics, claiming gross domestic product rose 4.9% in the third-quarter,…

Antisemitic mobs riot in Dagestan, attack Jews

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023
Antisemitic mob surrounds airplanes on tarmac at Makhachkala airport in Russian republic of Dagestan Oct. 29 in hunt for Jews. Hundreds more thugs invaded airport terminal or pelted buses of passengers with rocks, seeking out those with Israeli passports.

Encouraged by Moscow’s support for Hamas, a Jew-hating mob terrorized Israeli passengers disembarking from a plane in the Russian republic of Dagestan Oct. 29, just a few weeks after Hamas’ murderous assault on Jews in Israel. Some 1,200 young men…

Wave of drug store closures deepens crisis workers face

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023

As thousands of the Big Three chain drug stores close across the country, millions of working people face increased difficulties in filling prescriptions and getting other medical supplies. More than 40% of all U.S. counties have now become what is…

Tentative auto contract goes to UAW members to be voted on

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023

HUDSON, Wis. — United Auto Workers Local 722 held a rally in front of the General Motors Parts Distribution plant here Oct. 30. Steve Frisque, the local’s president, told participants that picket lines would come down that evening after the…

SWP campaigns against Jew-hatred, for working class to strive for power

Vol. 87/No. 42 - November 13, 2023
Lea Sherman, SWP candidate for New Jersey General Assembly, discusses fight against Jew-hatred with high school students in Livingston at Oct. 15 rally defending Israel’s right to exist.

As the Nov. 7 elections near, Socialist Workers Party candidates and supporters are taking the party’s program and activities to working people on their doorsteps, on strike picket lines and at public actions against Jew-hatred. They find one of the…