¿Por qué existe Israel?

Israel ha existido como un refugio para los judíos desde hace 75 años. Su existencia se hizo inevitable por tres hechos históricos: la traición por los partidos estalinistas contrarrevolucionarios ante las condiciones propicias para que los trabajadores tomaran el poder…

Political freedoms are a key issue in US politics today

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023

Even before Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Democrats, the liberal media and middle-class left did everything in their power to bring him down. From the moment they set the FBI to spy on his campaign, to the multitude…

Back the people of Ukraine in war for independence

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023

As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine goes into its 20th month, he continues to insist the Ukrainian people don’t really exist as a nation and are just Russians. At the same time, he also claims Ukrainians are riddled…

Fight Jew-hatred! Support the right of Israel to exist!

Battle against Jew-hatred is a working-class question
Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
Protest demands “End Jew-hatred on campus” at Columbia University, New York, Oct. 25. A Jewish student was physically assaulted there Oct. 11 by someone tearing down posters demanding Hamas release hostages seized during its Oct. 7 pogrom killing 1,400 in Israel.

More videos, Hamas instructions and other information keeps coming to light on the brutality unleashed by the reactionary Islamist group’s anti-Jewish slaughter in Israel that began Oct. 7. Financed, armed and directed by Tehran in alliance with Lebanon-based Hezbollah and…

Vote SWP! Working class needs to take political power

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023

Statement released Oct. 25 by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director. Workers should cast their vote for the Socialist Workers Party Nov. 7. More importantly, they should look to the SWP’s program for a working-class road to defeat…

Why does Israel exist?

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
Jewish women and children being transported to Auschwitz death camp in 1944. Nazi Holocaust murder machine killed over 6 million Jews, two out of three Jews living in Europe.

Israel has existed as a refuge for Jews for 75 years. Its existence was made inevitable by three key historical facts: the betrayal by counterrevolutionary Stalinist parties of ripe prospects for workers to take political power in Europe; the refusal…

Solidarity with UAW strike is in the interests of all workers

Vol. 87/No. 41 - November 6, 2023
UAW Local 862 members on picket line at Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville, Oct. 23. They welcomed expansion of strike to Stellantis plant in Michigan and GM plant in Texas.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Members of the United Auto Workers on strike against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, the Big Three auto companies, expanded their walkout to over 45,000 strikers on Oct. 24, with some 5,000 UAW members walking off the…