Maternal health care declines in US as bosses drive for profits

Vol. 87/No. 33 - September 4, 2023

Two days after Shamony Gibson from the Brooklyn borough of New York City came home from the hospital with her baby boy in September 2019, she began experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. Her partner, Omari Maynard, told the…

Memphis strike ‘standing strong’ against IFF bosses

Strike deserves support of all working people!
Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023
Members of Bakery Workers Locals 57 and 19 from Ohio join BCTGM Local 390G strike picket at International Flavors and Fragrances plant in Memphis, Tennessee, Aug. 13.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — When we went on strike “some of the supervisors told us we would only last a week. Here we are 10 weeks later, still strong, still together,” Zandra Lee, a member of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and…

War games and new arms race show threat of war is growing

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023

In a sign of increasing tensions and the dangers of new wars between major capitalist powers in today’s world, 11 Russian and Chinese warships conducted joint maneuvers off the coast of Alaska near the Aleutian Islands at the end of…

Maui wildfire disaster caused by capitalism, gov’t disdain

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023

A rapidly moving wildfire rampaged across Lahaina, a historic town on Maui in Hawaii Aug. 8, laying waste to over 2,000 buildings, mainly residences, and causing the death of over 100 people to date, all but two unidentified, with more…

SWP campaigns for a program to unite workers and farmers in struggle

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023
“I want nothing but the real facts. We have to understand the world today,” construction worker Lorenzo Rainwater told SWP candidates Henry Dennison, left, and Vincent Auger, right, in Seattle Aug. 9, as he bought the Militant and asked them to come back for further discussion.

FRESNO, Calif. — Laura Garza, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from California, addressed a meeting of the African American Farmers of California at a local restaurant here Aug. 11. Thirteen people took part. In brief remarks, Garza noted…

Military coup in Niger heightens tensions in Africa

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023

Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani overthrew the government of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger July 26, amid deteriorating conditions facing millions of workers and farmers as well as attacks by Islamist terrorist groups. The takeover sharpened tensions between the French imperialist rulers,…

LA hotel, city workers strike, join fights by actors, writers

Common actions build working-class solidarity
Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023
Over 11,000 Los Angeles city workers, including sanitation and airport workers, mechanics, gardeners and lifeguards, held 24-hour strike Aug. 8, protesting understaffing and overwork.

LOS ANGELES — Hotel workers held their fourth round of rolling strikes here Aug. 3-7. Thousands of UNITE HERE Local 11 members struck at 26 of the 60 area hotels where union contracts had expired June 30. Area hotels are…

Defend free speech for all! Drop charges against Trump

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023
Left, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs law expanding FBI powers in 1934, opening door for agency to become U.S. rulers’ political police. Above, July 19, 1941, Militant reports government’s indictment of Socialist Workers Party, Teamster leaders, under thought-control Smith Act, dealing serious blow to constitutional protection of free speech.

  Defending constitutionally protected free speech is at the heart of fighting the latest assault on political rights by President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department. Special counsel Jack Smith’s second indictment of former President Donald Trump would gut the First Amendment…

SWP campaign offers program working people can use to fight

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023
Joanne Kuniansky, right, SWP candidate for New Jersey State Senate, joined in solidarity with striking nurses, members of USW Local 4-200, at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, Aug. 6. From left, picket captain Nancy Lipschutz and nurse Patrick Miller.

Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaign supporters are presenting a political program and demands that point a road forward to defend the interests of working people, and advancing the need for solidarity with unionists fighting attacks by the bosses —…