Rail unions: ‘Bosses drive for profits cause of derailments’

East Palestine protests demand health care, control
Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023
East Palestine, Ohio, town hall meeting Feb. 15, 12 days after toxic train disaster. Residents are winning support of rail unionists in fight to gain control over cleanup, health care.

Working people in and around East Palestine, Ohio, refuse to be helpless victims. They’re organizing and protesting, demanding control over the ongoing cleanup and long-term health care following the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern railroad derailment and release of toxic chemicals.…

CL campaign: ‘For solidarity with union battles today’

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023
Félix Vincent Ardea, Communist League candidate in Montreal, speaks at June 12 candidates’ debate. “Our campaign aims to help strengthen unions, struggles of workers, farmers,” he said.

MONTREAL — On June 16 Communist League candidate Félix Vincent Ardea, a Canadian National Railway freight conductor and Teamsters union member, and other CN Teamster members joined a 150-strong solidarity march of strikers and supporters of the 330 United Steelworkers…

288 dead in train crash in India is result of workings of capitalism

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023
Hundreds of working people join efforts to free those trapped in wreckage after high-speed train collision in India. Years of government neglect, underfinancing led to disaster.

Working people worldwide were horrified at news coverage when at least 288 people were killed and more than 1,000 injured in a head-on collision between government-run passenger and freight trains in India June 2. Rail bosses’ drive for profits at…

Working people in Ukraine step up defense of national independence

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023

The Ukrainian government has launched a counteroffensive aimed at retaking territory seized by Moscow’s forces since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded the country to try to subjugate its people. Ukrainian forces are making slow gains in fierce battles, while the…

Los Angeles Militant Labor Forum panel discusses fight for constitutional rights

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023

LOS ANGELES —“Defend constitutional freedoms: Oppose U.S. government spying, harassment and frame-ups” was the topic of the May 21 weekly Militant Labor Forum here. Speaking were Mwezi Odom, from the African People’s Socialist Party, and Norton Sandler, from the Socialist Workers…

Defend Ukraine independence!

Frictions grow in Moscow over losses
Vol. 87/No. 23 - June 12, 2023

Moscow’s forces are exhausted and hemmed in as they try to maintain their tenuous occupation of the destroyed eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. They incurred heavy losses during the 10-month-long effort to take the city. This is sharpening conflicts in…

‘Workers need a labor party based on the unions’

SWP launches California campaign for US Senate
Vol. 87/No. 23 - June 12, 2023
Laura Garza, left, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from California in 2024, at May 26 union rally in Los Angeles. Garza says workers need to break from the Democrats, Republicans.

LOS ANGELES — At a May 26 labor rally here, Laura Garza, a rail worker and member of the SMART-Transportation Division union, and her campaign supporters distributed hundreds of flyers announcing she was running as the Socialist Workers Party candidate…

Democrats, FBI push assaults on political rights workers need

Vol. 87/No. 23 - June 12, 2023

In their factional drive to hound former President Donald Trump out of politics, the Democrats for over six years have done serious damage to crucial constitutional freedoms. Free speech, assembly, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to a…