Protests in Iran demand answers, end to poisoning of schoolchildren

Vol. 87/No. 11 - March 20, 2023
Karaj, Iran, protest, one of many initiated by teachers union in Iran March 7, called for commission independent of regime to investigate reports of poisoning at girls schools.

Angry parents, teachers and students protested across Iran March 7 in the face of widespread reports of poisoning by toxic gases of more than 1,000 students at over 125 primary and secondary girls schools in more than a dozen provinces…

As battle rages over Bakhmut Defend Ukraine independence!

‘Fight Moscow’s invasion, and for workers’ rights’
Vol. 87/No. 11 - March 20, 2023
Ivan Popov holds sign, “No to the war!” at “Peter the Great” statue in St. Petersburg, Russia, a year into Moscow’s war in Ukraine. Solo pickets, “flower protests,” green ribbon movement keep opposition to Putin’s repressive regime, solidarity with Ukrainian people visible.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin sends wave after wave of Russian conscripts against Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut, they confront fierce resistance from Ukrainians determined to defeat the invasion. His regime also faces opposition at home to its war, protests from…

Residents, rail workers fight toxic effects of Ohio disaster

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023
Bosses drive to boost profits led to train derailment in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, in July 2013, killing 47 people. Rail coalition there sent solidarity message to people of East Palestine, Ohio.

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Working people, farmers and small-business owners here and in neighboring towns in Ohio and Pennsylvania are increasingly angry about the response of both the rail bosses and the government to the continuing effects of the Feb.…

Worldwide protests speak out: Defend Ukraine independence!

Demand Moscow’s troops out of all of Ukraine now!
Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023
Tens of thousands rallied to defend Ukrainian independence in Tiblisi, Georgia, Feb. 24, marking one year since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Moscow invaded Georgia in 2008. Protests took place in over 100 cities, from Europe, Asia, in U.S. from Miami to Anchorage.

During the first year of the Russian rulers’ invasion of Ukraine the stark difference between the two countries’ armies has grown. The Ukrainian armed forces have fiercely resisted, strengthened by tens of thousands of volunteers, largely from the working class,…

Support grows for ‘Militant’ against ban in Florida prison

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023

When they hear that Florida prison authorities banned an issue of the Militant for printing articles on a strike by New York nurses and on recent protests in Iran, many workers, farmers, union activists and others are outraged. Officials at…

Special’ grand jury probe in Georgia is attack on political rights

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023

Casting aside any pretense at impartiality, special grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs has been on a “media tour” divulging selective details of the Democratic Party-run search for indictments targeting Donald Trump’s alleged interference in Georgia’s 2020 elections. A gleeful liberal…

Workers, women and oppressed peoples push for freedom in Iran

Vol. 87/No. 10 - March 13, 2023
Seven Iranian women political prisoners, supporters celebrate their release from Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, Feb. 9. Independent unions, student groups and others are demanding release of all political, union prisoners.

Despite the announcement in early February by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that he would give amnesty to “tens of thousands” of prisoners, the actual numbers released as of Feb. 27 are in the hundreds. Thousands were imprisoned during…

One year since Moscow invasion: Defend Ukraine independence!

Build solidarity with battle of the Ukrainian people!
Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023
Art exhibit by Elena Osipova, above, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Jan. 31. Poster says, “Russia, repentant, grieving. Russia is not Putin.” In face of Putin’s police repression, “flower protests” against bombardment of Ukraine cities, one-person pickets and graffiti continue to proliferate.

Feb. 24 marks one year since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine, expecting a rapid victory. Instead, he has run into battlefield reversals from Kyiv and Kharkiv to Kherson at the hands of working people in Ukraine…