Iran protests: ‘Stop all the executions! Free prisoners!’

Actions feed divisions among capitalist rulers
Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
Hundreds gather in Sanandaj, in Kurdish region of Iran, to mark life of Aram Habibi Dec. 26, 40 days after he was killed by regime’s thugs. Mourners chanted, “Down with the dictatorship.”

In the face of more than 100 days of protests across the country by working people and youth, the capitalist government of Iran is suffering from deepening factional divisions over how best to proceed. The outpouring of opposition to the…

Defend Ukraine independence! Demand Moscow troops out now!

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023
In mid-November, women protested outside offices of Russian military from St. Petersburg, above, to Ulyanovsk, over the treatment of conscripted relatives. Placard demands investigation of deaths and injuries of those sent to Ukraine front lines from the Belgorod region.

Working people in Ukraine continue to lead the defense of their homeland from deadly bombardment and war moves carried out by the forces of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime. They’ve pushed Moscow’s invaders back from over half the territory Russian…

US rail workers discuss fight over crew size, safety, deadly schedules

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

CHICAGO — Even though the country’s 115,000 rail workers have been saddled with a government-imposed contract that unions representing a majority of the workers had voted down, they continue to seek to use their unions to fight for livable schedules,…

SWP: Workers need our own party, a labor party based on our unions

Vol. 87/No. 2 - January 9, 2023

Statement by Ilona Gersh, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Chicago, Dec. 28. Recent experiences of millions of working people have driven home the fact that the key division in U.S. politics is not the conflicts between Democrats and…

Rail workers protest as gov’t imposes contract, bars strike

Rallies from Washington, DC, to Sparks, Nevada
Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023
Over 40 unionists at SMART-TD-organized rally Dec. 13 in Denver back rail workers’ struggle over job conditions, for safer crew sizes and family-friendly work schedules.

CHICAGO — In rail yards and on locomotives across the country discussion and debate continue among rail workers over how to respond to the ongoing attacks from the rail bosses and the government. These include grueling schedules, draconian attendance policies,…

Defend Ukraine independence! Demand Putin get out now!

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023
Kyiv residents visit “invincibility center” Nov. 24 to warm up, share news, recharge phones. Ukrainian working people responded to Moscow’s bombs with renewed determination.

The Ukrainian people are withstanding some of the heaviest aerial bombardment since Moscow’s war began as they fight tenaciously to drive back its invasion. Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to demoralize working people by crippling Ukraine’s power supplies as winter…

Iran protests for rights, against executions stoke gov’t divisions

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023

More than three months of daily protests are widening rifts between rival factions among Iran’s capitalist rulers. The execution of two protesters, death sentences for 11 others and charges that carry the death penalty against six more have expanded demonstrations…

Communist League: ‘Down with Canadian rulers’ Emergencies Act’

Vol. 87/No. 1 - January 2, 2023
Heavily armed Canadian police were mobilized under Emergencies Act to crush truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa Feb. 19, a serious threat to the whole labor movement.

MONTREAL — Six weeks of mandatory public hearings on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government imposition of the never-before-used Emergencies Act concluded Nov. 25. The act aimed to crush the three-week-long truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa and at border-crossing…