Democrats’ attack on constitutional rights is threat to working people

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024

The Democrats’ frantic drive to get compliant judges to throw Donald Trump in jail before November’s election is bumping into some constitutional challenges. And millions of working people can see a presidential candidate is being charged for things that are…

Fight against Jew-hatred is crucial for the working class

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024

Hamas’ international propaganda machine — promoted by middle-class leftists worldwide — keeps churning out lies that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, that people there are on the verge of starvation, that no women were raped by Hamas Oct. 7…

Rail workers in Canada fight for a new contract, safe work conditions

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024
During 2018 strike by 3,000 rail workers, unionists picketed Canadian Pacific in Montreal. Some 9,300 unionists at Canada’s two biggest rail companies are voting on strike action in May.

MONTREAL — Some 9,300 train conductors, yard workers, train engineers and dispatchers at Canada’s two biggest rail companies — Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Kansas City — are fighting for safe working conditions and livable work schedules. Their contract…

Crisis of capitalism rattles regimes in Latin America, hits toilers hard

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024

Amid the economic and political crisis of capitalism, accelerated by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and the Tehran-backed Hamas pogrom against Jews in Israel Oct. 7, conflicts and threats between regimes across Latin America have grown. This was highlighted in an…

Campaigners take SWP program to working class

Vol. 88/No. 19 - May 13, 2024

Socialist Workers Party candidates and their supporters are finding wide interest in a working-class road forward as they campaign for Rachele Fruit, the party’s candidate for U.S. president. They are taking the party’s campaign and program to workers on their…

Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly for UAW

Vol. 88/No. 18 - May 6, 2024
Autoworkers at Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tennessee, celebrate announcement of 73% vote for UAW April 19. Victory gives impetus to workers fighting for union recognition elsewhere.

In an important victory for unions across the U.S., workers at the Chattanooga, Tennessee, Volkswagen plant voted by 73% to be represented by the United Auto Workers, giving impetus to workers fighting for union recognition elsewhere. It’s the first assembly…

Support Israel as refuge from Jew-hatred and pogroms!

Vol. 88/No. 18 - May 6, 2024

The reactionary clerical regime in Iran had hoped the Oct. 7 anti-Jewish pogrom it organized with Hamas, along with Israel’s response to defend itself, would reverse moves by governments in Muslim-majority countries toward normalized relations with Israel. The opposite is…

Rachele Fruit: ‘Workers need a labor party based on the unions’

Vol. 88/No. 18 - May 6, 2024
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, speaks at campaign rally in Fort Worth April 20. “The future of humanity depends on the U.S. working class taking power away from the capitalist rulers and starting down the road to a socialist revolution,” she said.

FORT WORTH, Texas — “We’ve been on strike going on nine weeks. We have a lot of union support, but we need more,” Rick Miedema, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 997 on strike at Molson Coors big brewery here, told Socialist…