SWP campaigners win new support

Vol. 88/No. 18 - May 6, 2024
When Candace Wagner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress, knocked on his door in Butler, Pennsylvania, UAW member Richard LeGrande said even with a union job it’s hard to afford housing. LeGrande got a Militant subscription, three books by SWP leaders.

Campaigners for Rachele Fruit, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, are introducing the party’s working-class program and activity widely among working people and making good use of the just-published title The Fight Against Jew-Hatred and Pogroms in the Imperialist…

Working people in Ukraine fight to defend their independence

Vol. 88/No. 18 - May 6, 2024

Moscow is stepping up its murderous assault on Ukrainian workers’ lives and on the mines and factories of the country’s eastern Donetsk region, as well as on crucial infrastructure across the country. Yet the Ukrainian people’s courageous determination to defend…

Support Israel’s right to exist, defend itself as a refuge from Jew-hatred and pogroms!

Working people need to reject Biden’s demand that Israel not respond
Vol. 88/No. 17 - April 29, 2024
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate, in Los Angeles. “The SWP calls on working people to condemn pressure by the U.S. government of Joseph Biden to dictate to Israel what it must or must not do to defend itself as a refuge for the Jews,” she said April 15.

Statement released April 15 by Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president of the United States. SWP presidential candidate Rachele Fruit is working-class alternative to capitalism’s march to depression and war The Socialist Workers Party calls on working people…

Tehran’s aerial barrage marks new stage in assault on Israel

Vol. 88/No. 17 - April 29, 2024
Above, wreckage of Iranian rocket, part of barrage of drones and missiles fired at Israel, April 13, 2024. Central to Tehran’s counterrevolutionary expansionist course is its aim to destroy Israel and expel and kill Jews. Below, Oct. 26, 2022, thousands at cemetery in Iran’s Kurdish region protest death of Zhina Amini at hands of hated “morality” police. Despite fierce repression, rulers haven’t stopped working people’s opposition to military interventions.

The barrage of 320 drones and missiles unleashed by Tehran April 13 is the first attack on Israel launched directly from Iranian soil. It is a deliberate and dangerous escalation of the reactionary Iranian regime’s decades of assaults on Israel…

LA, Oakland SWP speak out against Tehran’s war moves

Vol. 88/No. 17 - April 29, 2024
“Fight against Jew-hatred is a life-or-death question for the working class worldwide,” Candace Wagner, SWP candidate for Congress from Pittsburgh, told rally in defense of Israel March 31.

LOS ANGELES — “Yesterday and last night Tehran launched 320 drones, ballistic and cruise missiles at Israel. Almost all of them were shot down,” said Socialist Workers Party National Committee member Norton Sandler to an April 14 meeting here. Sandler…

US rulers form new Asia bloc against Beijing

Vol. 88/No. 17 - April 29, 2024
Above, warships from Philippines, foreground, Japan, Australia and U.S. sail in formation off Philippines coast April 7. Inset, China Coast Guard ship fires water cannon at vessel taking supplies to Philippine-occupied shoal in disputed region of South China Sea March 5, area also known as West Philippine Sea.

President Joseph Biden hosted a first-ever joint meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., at the White House, April 11. The three government heads announced increased military and economic cooperation. To defend U.S. ruling-class…

Tehran admits ‘strategic role’ in deadly Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom

Vol. 88/No. 16 - April 22, 2024
Palestinian Muslims praying peacefully at Al-Aqsa Mosque during month of Ramadan, including on last day April 5, above, rejecting Hamas’ call for confrontations against Israel.

The Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces, one of the key political groups in Iran’s parliament, admitted April 3 that Tehran played a “strategic role … in planning and executing” the Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel, giving the lie to…