Vote reflects the growing support for Irish unity

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022

An end to the British rulers’ domination and centurylong partition of Ireland has been thrust back onto the agenda following the emergence of Sinn Fein as the leading party in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This is…

Socialist Workers Party campaigns across Minnesota, fights for ballot

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022
SWP Minnesota governor candidate Gabrielle Prosser and supporter Vincent Auger, right, talk with meatpacker Daniel Romero at JBS packinghouse in Worthington, Minnesota, May 23.

MINNEAPOLIS — During the first week of the drive to get the Socialist Workers Party’s ticket of Gabrielle Prosser for Minnesota governor and Kevin Dwire for lieutenant governor on the ballot, supporters of the SWP from across the country have…

Biden Asia trip seeks allies for US imperialism against Beijing

Vol. 86/No. 22 - June 6, 2022

President Joseph Biden’s May 20-24 trip to Asia comes amid increasing calls in the press and Congress for the White House to return to making its top foreign-policy priority countering Beijing’s rising economic clout and the growing reach of its…

43,000 construction workers strike across greater Toronto metro area

Vol. 86/No. 21 - May 30, 2022
Striking construction workers on picket line in Ontario May 10. Then some 7,000 drywall workers downed their tools, joining 36,000 carpenters and other workers already on strike.

Over 7,000 residential and commercial drywall workers downed their tools, joining the ongoing strike of 36,000 Ontario construction workers. This brings the total on strike as of May 14 to 43,000. They are fighting for higher wages in face of…

Cattle rancher describes crisis facing working farmers in Texas

Vol. 86/No. 21 - May 30, 2022
Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for governor, and Dennis Richter discuss challenges facing ranchers amid capitalist crisis with Nathaniel Turner, center, at his Fairfield ranch May 9.

FAIRFIELD, Texas — Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for governor of Texas, party member Dennis Richter and the author of this article met Nathaniel Turner on a recent campaign trip here. We were eating lunch in a local diner where he…

Ukraine fighters push back invasion – Moscow out now!

Unite workers in Ukraine, Russia against Putin’s war!
Vol. 86/No. 21 - May 30, 2022
Anna Zaitseva with infant son in Zaporizhzhia after evacuation from Mariupol‘s Azovstal steelworks April 30. Her husband stayed behind to aid soldiers resisting Moscow’s intense assault.

In a successful counteroffensive, Ukrainian forces pushed the invading Russian army back from Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, reaching the Russian border May 16. Moscow’s plans to capture more of the Donbas have stalled. The Vladimir Putin regime had insisted it…