Social disaster after tornadoes result of bosses drive for profits

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

Powerful tornadoes swept across six states Dec. 10, resulting in a death toll climbing to over 100 people, including factory workers left to fend for themselves on the job in Kentucky and Illinois. While the storms were a mighty reflection…

Build solidarity with the Kellogg, miners strikes!

Kellogg’s strikers say No! to two-tier wages, benefits
Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

The 1,400 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union continue to stand strong on the picket lines following their overwhelming rejection of a new contract offer by Kellogg’s bosses that would have divided and weakened the…

Miners: ‘We have been on strike for 252 days now’

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021
Warrior Met Coal strike support rally in Brookwood, Alabama, Dec. 8. Court injunction blocking union from mass picketing at mine entrances is serious attack on whole labor movement.

BROOKWOOD, Ala. — “We have been on strike now for 252 days,” United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts told some 200 miners, family members, retired miners and other supporters at the union’s Dec. 8 solidarity rally at City…

Join ‘Militant’ renewal drive, help expand paper’s reach

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021
SWP member Leroy Watson, left, talking with Dwayne Houston in Bellwood, Illinois, about the Kelloggs’s strike, im-portance of workers’ struggles. “I support the unions,” Houston said.

Socialist Workers Party members and other readers of the Militant  are not waiting for the Jan. 1 start of the international campaign to win renewals to the working-class paper and to get back in touch with new subscribers. A team…

Kellogg strikers vote No! Say ‘End two-tier wages’

Bosses threaten to hire ‘permanent replacements’
Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021
Picket at Omaha, Nebraska, Kellogg’s plant Dec. 2. Strikers overwhelmingly rejected new contract, continue fight for “equal pay for equal work.” Join efforts to build solidarity!

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Kellogg’s workers on strike at the company’s four cereal plants across the country overwhelmingly rejected the bosses’ latest contract offer in a vote Dec. 5. The key issue is the company’s demand to expand the number of…

New Zealand farmers unite, demand end to gov’t attack

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021
Tractor and “ute” farm vehicles caravan into Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 21. Thousands across country protested Labour government regulations, taxes imposed in name of defense of the environment that attack working farmers’ livelihoods and their care for the land.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — “Without farmers you will be hungry, naked and sober,” read a placard on a tractor heading a caravan through Christchurch Nov. 21. The convoy was one of 70 across New Zealand in which tens of thousands…

Join ‘Militant’ renewal drive, help get paper out to workers

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021

Readers of the Militant, including members of the Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, are gearing up for an ambitious drive to win subscription renewals, which begins Jan. 1 and runs through Feb.…

End US sanctions on North Korea! US troops out of Korean Peninsula!

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021

Washington is committed to “utilizing the full range of U.S. defense capabilities, including nuclear” to “deter” North Korea, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated after his Dec. 2 meeting in Seoul with South Korean military officials to discuss “updating” military options…