Back Kellogg’s, Warrior Met coal mine strikers!

Bakery workers, miners battle pro-boss court orders
Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021
Piquetes en planta de Kellogg, Battle Creek, Michigan, 28 de nov. La solidaridad, donaciones y apoyo a las líneas de piquetes son esenciales para lucha de 1,100 huelguistas en cuatro estados.

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — Morale was high on the picket lines in front of the Kellogg’s plant here Nov. 28 in spite of the freezing cold, wind, and snow that occasionally blasted the strikers. Some 325 workers are on strike…

Canada flood social disaster is a product of capitalist greed

Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021

MONTREAL — Tens of thousands of workers and farmers across British Columbia face widespread flooding, mud and rock slides after torrential rain hit central and southern parts of the province beginning Nov. 14. The unfolding social catastrophe, however, is not…

Build support for women’s right to have an abortion!

Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021

As the Militant goes to press, the Supreme Court was hearing arguments over a Mississippi law that poses a direct challenge to a woman’s legal right to choose whether to have an abortion. Organizing to win a strong majority of…

Rejecting self-defense claim, jury convicts killers of Ahmaud Arbery

Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021
Wanda Cooper-Jones, mother of Ahmaud Arbery, watches as Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp,seated, signed repeal of Civil War-era “citizen’s arrest” law May 10. Three men who killed Arbery claimed law as their defense. Overturn of law was gain of protests against killing.

ATLANTA — Three men involved in the vigilante-style entrapment and killing of 25-year-old African American jogger Ahmaud Arbery last year were found guilty Nov. 24 in a unanimous verdict by a nearly all-white jury. Arbery was chased and gunned down…

Join ‘Militant’ to reach out to 1,333 new subscribers

Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021
Matt Aubrey, UFCW Local 23D president, gets Militant subscription and Are They Rich Because They’re Smart? from Maggie Trowe during Heaven Hill distillery strike this fall in Kentucky.

The international drive to expand the readership of the Militant and of books by revolutionary leaders and to raise funds for the Socialist Workers Party was a big success. The decision to go for higher goals than previous drives —…

Back Warrior Met miners, Kellogg workers on strike!

Ban on picketing at Alabama mine draws national protests
Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
Miners march in Washington, D.C., Nov. 18, part of national actions against Warrior Met Coal bosses’ court order banning all strike activity within 300 yards of company’s coal mines.

WASHINGTON — “No contract, no coal” chanted some 150 United Mine Workers of America members and their supporters at a rally here Nov. 18 in support of striking miners locked in a bitter strike battle against Warrior Met mine bosses…

Spirits high as Kellogg’s strike over two-tier wages continues

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021

OMAHA, Neb. — With spirits high, workers on picket lines outside the Kellogg’s plant here Nov. 17 said they’re determined to win their strike against divisive two-tier wages.  The 480 workers here are striking along with over 1,000 other members…

Rittenhouse verdict upholds political rights workers need

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021

CHICAGO — On Nov. 19 a jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin, unanimously found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges in the killing of two men and wounding of a third while defending himself during riots in August 2020 after the…

‘Militant,’ book, SWP fund drive go over all goals!

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
Katy LeRougetel shows Militant, books by revolutionaries to Sif Eddine Bouchareb, a transit system mechanic originally from Algeria, in Repentigny, Quebec, Oct. 23. Eddine Bouchareb bought a Militant subscription and Cuba and the Coming American Revolution in French.

Socialist Workers Party campaigners and members of the Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. have just gone over the top in their fall propaganda campaign to sell 1,300 subscriptions to the Militant and 1,300 books by…