Deere strikers: End divisive two-tier, raise all our wages

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

WATERLOO, Iowa — United Auto Workers members on strike at John Deere plants in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas, and distribution centers in Denver and Atlanta, rejected the bosses’ second contract proposal Nov. 2. While it contained a higher wage offer…

Join SWP to expand reach of ‘Militant,’ books, fund

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
SWP campaigner Chuck Guerra, right, talks with David Marquez, a welder in Miami, Nov. 8. Marquez, who immigrated from Venezuela, bought Are They Rich Because They’re Smart?

The Militant and books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries are getting around among working people. Strikers on picket lines say they appreciate the paper’s accurate coverage of their struggles and the news it brings them of other…

What do the 2021 election results mean for the US working class?

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
Doug Nelson, SWP candidate for Minneapolis mayor, right, at rally against U.S. Cuba embargo July 15. SWP candidates built support for union fights, offered road forward for working class.

The 2021 elections registered a sharp rejection of the anti-working-class politics of the liberal and middle-class socialist wing of the Democratic Party by workers and farmers across the country. From “defund the cops” referendums in Minneapolis and Seattle to the…

Some NY taxi drivers win debt reduction, fight for all continues

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

Fifteen days after some two dozen New York City yellow-cab drivers began a well-publicized hunger strike, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer and Taxi and Limousine Commissioner Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk announced Nov. 3 an agreement had…

Alabama court bans miners’ right to picket at Warrior Met

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021

ATLANTA — In an outrageous assault on workers’ rights, Tuscaloosa County Circuit Court Judge James H. Roberts Jr. handed down a restraining order Oct. 27 ordering the United Mine Workers of America to halt all picketing or any other union…

Spread word, build support for Deere, Kellogg’s strikes!

Deere strikers vote down contract, fight continues
Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021

DENVER — Production and maintenance workers at John Deere’s 12 plants in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas voted 55% to 45% Nov. 2 to reject the agricultural implements bosses’ latest contract offer.   While a majority of United Auto Workers members…

Kellogg’s workers demand ‘Equal pay for equal work’

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Oct. 27 union rally in solidarity with Kellogg strike at corporate office in Battle Creek, Michigan.

LANDISVILLE, Pa. — Striking Kellogg’s cereal workers, members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union Local 374G, held a cookout and rally at the fire station pavilion here Oct. 30. Some 1,400 BCTGM members have been on strike…

SWP campaign points the road forward for all working people

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
SWP campaigner Gabby Prosser, left, speaks with Raven Mosley in Minneapolis. Mosley said she’s worked hard for 20 years to get by, while bosses “make millions while they’re sleeping.”

Today’s discussion about what workers can do to fight back against the relentless attacks of the bosses and their government continues broadly, as results of the Nov. 2 elections offer no solutions for working people.  Socialist Workers Party campaigners continue…

Cuban Revolution vs. US capitalism

A convinced people vs. pandemic mandates
Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
One of millions of home visits in Cuba by medical students, volunteers, in Ciego de Ávila in March, to check on people’s health, ensure anyone with COVID symptoms gets treatment.

There is no COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Cuba. Yet by the time you read this some 73% of the population will be fully vaccinated and over 90% will have at least one dose, one of the highest rates in the…