What is driving the employers to attack working people today?

Vol. 85/No. 34 - September 20, 2021

The disastrous impact of the worldwide capitalist crisis of production and trade accelerated sharply at the start of the pandemic when government lockdowns led bosses to throw millions out of work. With competition among workers for jobs still severe today,…

Warrior Met strike is a ‘union issue for the whole nation’

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

McCALLA, Ala. — “We decided to take up the cause of the striking miners because this is a union issue for the whole nation,” Mark Bass, president of International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1410 in Mobile, Alabama, told the Militant in…

US rulers’ war in Afghanistan was disaster for working people

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021

Since Joseph Biden ordered U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, an admission the U.S. rulers’ 20-year war there was a failure, Taliban forces swept across the country taking Kabul, the capital, Aug. 15. Some 5,800 U.S. troops, alongside 1,000 British soldiers…

SWP campaign draws lessons from past class struggle battles

Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Dennis Richter, right, SWP candidate for governor of California, talks to Noble Kaus at San Leandro Walmart store Aug. 22. Richter urged Kaus, who works at a union-organized chocolate factory, to join in bringing solidarity to workers facing lockouts and strikes today.

“This is a book about the dictatorship of capital and the road to the dictatorship of the proletariat,” Jacquie Henderson read to retired health care worker Rose Skarski from a copy of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to…

Back the Warrior Met miners, Nabisco strikes!

Nabisco strikers fight to keep ‘what we already won’
Vol. 85/No. 33 - September 6, 2021
Workers picket Portland, Oregon, Nabisco plant, to block bosses’ steep concession demands.

PORTLAND, Ore. — “We were the first to go out, on Aug. 10,” Cameron Taylor, business agent for Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local 364, which represents about 200 workers on strike at the Nabisco bakery…

US rulers end 20-year-long imperialist war in Afghanistan

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021
Afghan national flag raised again in main square protest in Jalalabad Aug. 18 after its removal by Taliban. Three people were reported killed, 12 wounded as Taliban soldiers fired on crowd.

The U.S. rulers’ 20-year war and occupation of Afghanistan, and the carnage it inflicted on working people at home and abroad, ended with further devastation as the Taliban retook the capital, Kabul, Aug. 15. In the wake of President Joseph…

Massachusetts nurses fight for safety, patients’ health

Solidarity crucial as strike enters fifth month
Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021
Nurses from St. Vincent Hospital picket in Worcester, Mass., July 6. Some 700 nurses have been on strike since March 8. Fight for better nurse/patient ratios is at center of their struggle.

WORCESTER, Mass. — “We are holding strong,” Jackie Brosnihan, a nurse on strike here at St. Vincent hospital, told the Militant Aug. 14. Brosnihan is one of 700 nurses who walked off the job March 8 over dangerous conditions facing…

Defend, emulate Cuba’s socialist revolution! End US embargo!

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021
“Building socialism is based on the capacities of the masses to organize themselves and to better guide industry, agriculture and the country’s economy,” said Che Guevara in August 1962. Guevara, above center, visits factory in Cuba’s Pinar del Río province.

NEW YORK — Why does Cuba’s socialist revolution continue to live, fight and set an example worldwide more than 60 years after workers and farmers there took power? What makes class and social relations in Cuba so different from anywhere…