Working people in Iran protest effects of social crisis, gov’t wars abroad

Vol. 85/No. 29 - July 26, 2021

Protesters marched in several Iranian cities after widespread power outages caused havoc for workers and farmers. The demonstrations follow previous rounds of country-wide mobilizations in 2018 and since by working people fed up with the government’s military adventures abroad, ongoing…

Marchers head from Miami to DC, say ‘End US embargo on Cuba!’

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021
Carlos Lazo, center, in Miami on first day of march to Washington, D.C. Join protesters at rally near White House July 25, or at caravans at cities across the United States.

An RV-load of protesters against the U.S. economic war on Cuba are walking more than 1,000 miles over the next month to win support for ending Washington’s embargo. Carlos Lazo, a Cuban American high school teacher from Seattle and founder…

More graves of Indigenous children found, fueling protests

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021

MONTREAL — Tens of thousands marched nationwide July 1 to protest longstanding government-imposed racist discrimination and oppression of Canada’s 1.6 million Indigenous peoples. July 1, an official holiday, marks the consolidation of capitalist rule with the founding of the Canadian…

Build support for the UMW strike at Warrior Met mine!

1,100 miners have been on picket line since April 1
Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021
Members of United Auto Workers, other unions, join June 30 strike solidarity rally in McCalla, Alabama. Warrior Met Coal strikers demand bosses restore wages and benefits slashed in 2016.

MCCALLA, Ala. — “This strike is so important,” retired United Mine Workers of America member Shirley Hyche said June 30 at the UMWA’s weekly solidarity rally here. She joined several hundred striking miners, family members, retired miners and other unionists…

SWP files for ballot in race for governor of California

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021
Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for California governor, talks to Stella Useda while campaigning at Food4Less parking lot in Los Angeles July 5. Useda signed SWP petition.

Los Angeles — “Dennis Richter is for the workers,” said Latrice Mitchell. “I told my co-workers I’d rather vote for him than anybody else,” when asking them to sign the petition to put Richter, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for…

Vale miners in Canada strike over boss attacks

Fight moves to axe retired workers’ health care
Vol. 85/No. 27 - July 12, 2021
Over 2,400 United Steelworkers union miners and other workers at Vale have been on strike in Sudbury since June 1. Sign reflects growing solidarity for the workers’ struggle.

SUDBURY, Ontario — “Everybody’s coming together more, including support from other unions — teachers, CUPE, Unifor and some government workers have come down,” Vale striker and United Steelworkers Local 6500 member Chris Banks told these Militant  worker-correspondents on the picket…

UN says ‘No!’ to Washington embargo on Cuban people

Vol. 85/No. 27 - July 12, 2021

NEW YORK — The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly June 23 to demand that Washington end its over 60-year-long economic, commercial and financial embargo on Cuba. At the session — the 29th in a row to vote for an…