Working people face fight for jobs, steepest price hikes in many years

Vol. 85/No. 22 - June 7, 2021

With hiring picking up, but still slowly, working people confront both large-scale joblessness, pressure on wages and working conditions, and the steepest price hikes in over a decade. The class-struggle road to changing these conditions starts from expanding solidarity with…

Stand with coal miners on strike in Alabama!

Fight to win pay, benefits lost in bankruptcy
Vol. 85/No. 22 - June 7, 2021
May 20 McCalla, Alabama, rally in solidarity with United Mine Workers on strike against Warrior Met Coal. Miners are fighting to reverse concessions forced on them five years ago.

BROOKWOOD, Ala. — Some 1,100 United Mine Workers of America union members have been on strike since April 1, seeking to win back concessions forced on them five years ago by Warrior Met Coal company. They have set up a…

Back coal miners on strike in Alabama!

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021
Warrior Met No. 4 mine picket line, in Brookwood, Alabama, May 16. “The company knows we’re only asking for what they took from us in 2016,” striker Harold Young, at right, said.

BROOKWOOD, Ala. — “We need national exposure for our strike,” Harold Young, a United Mine Workers of America union member on strike at Warrior Met Coal’s No. 4 mine, told the Militant  on the picket line here  May 16. Spreading…

Press for talks to recognize a Palestinian state and Israel

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021

Rocket attacks and shelling between Hamas and the Israeli government continued in mid-May, resulting in mounting civilian deaths, injuries, destruction of neighborhoods and displacement of families. Since officials of Gaza’s Islamist regime initiated the armed conflict May 10, Hamas and…

SWP running for governor in California special election

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021
Dennis Richter, right, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of California, and campaign supporter Alyson Kennedy talk to Long Beach port worker Javier Marquez May 16. Marquez got Teamster Rebellion to learn how revolutionary-minded unionists fought in 1930s.

LOS ANGELES — The Socialist Workers Party in California announced May 15 that it will run Dennis Richter, a Walmart worker and party leader, for governor in a special election to decide who might replace Democratic Party governor Gavin Newsom…

Quebec iron ore workers strike against attacks by ArcelorMittal

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021
Striking steelworkers rally May 12 in Port-Cartier, Quebec, against “final” contract demands by ArcelorMittal. Strikers include 2,500 iron ore miners, processing, rail and office workers.

PORT-CARTIER, Quebec — After rejecting ArcelorMittal’s “final” offer, 2,500 iron ore miners and processing, rail, and office workers here and in Fermont went on strike May 10. “The stakes in our strike include wages, medical premiums, the retirement fund and working…

Help to overturn Florida, Indiana prison officials’ ban on ‘Militant’

Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021

Charles Huber, the new chair of the Florida Department of Corrections Literature Review Committee, told Militant  attorney David Goldstein May 14 that it is scheduled to review the decision of Century Correctional Institution prison authorities banning all five March issues…

Get the word out! Support mine, steelworker strikes!

Striking coal miners rally, reach out for solidarity
Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021
United Mine Workers of America Striking coal miners and supporters join together at weekly rally May 5 in McCalla, Alabama.

MCCALLA, Ala. — A third weekly solidarity rally for 1,100 United Mine Workers of America union members on strike at Warrior Met Coal in nearby Brookwood drew several hundred miners, family members, union retirees and other supporters to Tannehill State…