Protests erupt in Colombia over jobs crisis, gov’t brutality

Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021
1,500 people march in Chicago May 8 backing Colombia protests against government attacks. Sign says, “Fight so you don’t have to emigrate for a better future for you and your children.”

In the face of mass demonstrations and nationwide strikes that broke out April 28, Colombian President Iván Duque withdrew a “reform” bill May 2 raising sales taxes that would hit working people the hardest. But the protests continued. Brutal police…

Steelworkers stand up to ATI union-busting attack

Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021

WASHINGTON, Pa. — Over 1,300 United Steelworkers members are locked in a strike battle against union-busting bosses at Allegheny Technologies Inc. at nine plants in five states. The strikers on the picket lines are standing tall and winning solidarity from…

‘They try to hide the news about fights workers wage from us’

Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021
“My boss made me employee of the month,” Paul Stettler told Joanne Kuniansky, SWP candidate for New Jersey governor, on his doorstep May 6, “so I had to get this T-shirt.”

“I’ve been a union worker since I was 18,” Paul Stettler told Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, when she and campaign supporter Terry Evans knocked on his door in Jersey City May 6. His uncle…

Steelworkers reject ATI threats, pickets stay up

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021
April 28 picket line at ATI steel mill in Washington, Pennsylvania. Bosses want to force union to accept job losses to contract workers, deeper two-tier divisions, increase in insurance costs.

WASHINGTON, Pa. — The strike by 1,300 United Steelworkers members against Allegheny Technologies Inc. heated up as the union categorically rejected the bosses’ ultimatum to swallow their concessionary offer by April 26 or face worse. The strike began March 30.…

Build support for striking miners and steelworkers!

Miners plan weekly rallies to build support for strike
Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021
Members of American Federation of Teachers join April 28 solidarity rally for United Mine Workers on strike against Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, in Tannehill State Park.

MCCALLA, Ala. — Over 1,100 United Mine Workers of America coal miners are locked in a serious strike against Warrior Met Coal bosses in Brookwood, Alabama. They are backed by family members, UMWA retirees and members from other mines, workers…

Protest gov’t order to shut down Quebec dock strike

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021

MONTREAL — On April 30 the minority Liberal Party government in Ottawa, with the support of the Conservatives, pushed a law through Canada’s Parliament declaring longshore workers at the Port of Montreal to be “essential workers” and ordering them to…

SWP Oakland campaign helps expand reach of the ‘Militant’

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021
Rebecca Williamson, SWP candidate for Seattle City Council, talks with construction worker Luis Montes, right, while campaigning to put Joel Britton on the ballot in California’s 18th Assembly District April 28. Montes, who worked at Tesla, said bosses “treat us like we’re stupid.”

OAKLAND, Calif. — Some 230 people were happy to sign to put Socialist Workers Party candidate Joel Britton on the ballot during a three-day petitioning window for the Aug. 31 special election for State Assembly in the 18th District. Election…